How to: measure the QT interval? (2024)

12 Mar 2024

Author: Tomas Robyns, Department of Cardiovascular diseases, University Hospitals Leuven, Belgium

How to measure the QT interval?

Diagnosis of long QT syndrome (LQTS) is based on either a prolonged rate corrected QT interval (QTc) on repetitive ECG’s in the absence of QT prolonging drugs or ion disturbances, a Schwartz score ≥3.5 or presence of a pathogenic variant in a LQTS causing gene.1 Measuring QTc might sound easy, but is in fact a challenging task. It was shown that world-renowned LQTS experts measure the QTc interval in LQTS patients with a variation up to 70 ms.2

Measurement itself

The QT interval is defined as the interval between the onset of QRS and the end of the T wave. Manual measurement of the QT interval is advised over automated measurement, as these automatic assessments struggle with aberrant T wave patterns often observed in LQTS patients resulting in high variation between manual and automated measurement.3 The end of the T wave can be measured by 2 different methods (figure 1).4 The first method is called the tangent method and is defined as the intersection of a tangent to the steepest slope of the last limb of the T wave and the isoelectric baseline, defined as the voltage at QRS onset. The second method is called the threshold method and is defined as the intersection of the terminal limb of the T wave with the isoelectric baseline. The tangent method usually results in a 10ms shortening of QTc compared to the threshold method.4 LQTS patients often show pronounced T wave morphology abnormalities complicating the measurement. Biphasic T waves should be included in the measurement, while U waves should be excluded. Measurements are preferentially done in lead II or V5.
Because there is no gold standard against which these 2 measurement methods can be compared with, it remains uncertain which method is preferable. It has been shown that the Tangent method is easy to learn and is therefore likely to be more reproducible between different physicians.5 However, it could miss the last part of repolarization leading to an underestimation of the QTc. Therefore, among experts there is still no consensus on which should be the preferred method.

How to: measure the QT interval? (1)

Correction for heart rate

Since the QT interval changes with heart rate, it is common practice to correct the QT interval to the value you expect for a heart rate of 60 BPM. Correction for heart rate is usually done by generalized formula, of which Bazett’s formula (QTc = QT/√(RR)) is the most commonly used and validated in LQTS. Nevertheless many shortcomings of Bazett’s formula like overcorrection at high heart rates and undercorrection at lower heart rates are well known.6 Other generalized formulae have been proposed including Fridericia’s formula (QTcFri=QT/RR1/3) and Rautaharju’s formula that is validated in patients with prolonged QRS duration. As the QT heart rate dependence is very individual, especially in LQTS patients, individualized QT interval (QTi) based on the patient’s own QT-RR behavior measured on 24 hour holter recordings has been proposed as an alternative method.7

Normal values

There is substantial overlap in QTc between patients with LQTS and healthy individuals.8 However LQTS patients with normal QTc solely diagnosed on the basis of a positive genetic test are important to identify as these so called concealed LQTS patients have an augmented risk of sudden death (4% between birth and age 40) compared to genotype negative control individuals.1
The cut-off to define prolonged QTc has been shifted over the years and according the latest ESC guidelines a gender independent Bazett corrected QTc ≥ 480 ms or QTc ≥ 460 ms in a symptomatic individual is diagnostic.1 Age, gender and measurement method are important modifiers of the QTc, but are not incorporated in these guidelines.
Based on the QTc of over 800 genotype confirmed LQTS patients and almost 600 genotype negative family members a QT calculator to calculate the probability of LQTS incorporating gender, age and different methods to define the end of the T wave was proposed by the Amsterdam group (


QT measurement at this point in time should be done manually using either the tangent or threshold method in lead II or V5, using Bazett’s formula to correct for heart rate. QTc above 480ms is diagnostic, however different cut-offs are proposed by different experts. If you want to read more on congenital LQTS, a detailed overview by several world-renowned LQTS experts was recently published.9


1. Zeppenfeld K, Tfelt-Hansen J, de Riva M, Winkel BG, Behr ER, Blom NA, et al. 2022 ESC Guidelines for the management of patients with ventricular arrhythmias and the prevention of sudden cardiac death. Eur Heart J 2022; 43: 3997-4126.
2. Viskin S, Rosovski U, Sands AJ, Chen E, Kistler PM, Kalman JM, et al. Inaccurate electrocardiographic interpretation of long QT: the majority of physicians cannot recognize a long QT when they see one. Heart Rhythm 2005; 2: 569-574.
3. Neumann B, Vink AS, Hermans BJM, Lieve KVV, Cömert D, Beckmann BM, et al. Manual vs. automatic assessment of the QT-interval and corrected QT. Europace 2023; 25.
4. Vink AS, Neumann B, Lieve KVV, Sinner MF, Hofman N, El Kadi S, et al. Determination and Interpretation of the QT Interval. Circulation 2018; 138: 2345-2358.
5. Postema PG, De Jong JS, Van der Bilt IA, Wilde AA. Accurate electrocardiographic assessment of the QT interval: teach the tangent. Heart Rhythm 2008; 5: 1015-1018.
6. Vandenberk B, Vandael E, Robyns T, Vandenberghe J, Garweg C, Foulon V, et al. Which QT Correction Formulae to Use for QT Monitoring? J Am Heart Assoc 2016; 5.
7. Robyns T, Nuyens D, Vandenberk B, Haemers P, Breckpot J, Garweg C, et al. Individualized QT interval (QTi) is a powerful diagnostic tool in long QT syndrome: results from a large validation study. Front Cardiovasc Med 2023; 10: 1097468.
8. Hofman N, Wilde AA, Kääb S, van Langen IM, Tanck MW, Mannens MM, et al. Diagnostic criteria for congenital long QT syndrome in the era of molecular genetics: do we need a scoring system? Eur Heart J 2007; 28: 575-580.
9. Krahn AD, Laksman Z, Sy RW, Postema PG, Ackerman MJ, Wilde AAM, et al. Congenital Long QT Syndrome. JACC Clin Electrophysiol 2022; 8: 687-706.

The content of this article reflects the personal opinion of the author/s and is not necessarily the official position of the European Society of Cardiology.

How to: measure the QT interval? (2024)


How to: measure the QT interval? ›

The QT interval should be measured from the beginning of the QRS complex to the end of the T wave and averaged over 3 to 5 beats. U waves possibly corresponding to the late repolarization of cells in the mid myocardium should be included in the measurement only if they are large enough to seem to merge with the T wave.

How do you calculate the QT interval? ›

The most frequently used method for calculating the QTc is the Bazett formula, QTc = QT / √RR. Bazett published the first version of this formula in 1920 using ECGs from 39 young subjects and was subsequently updated by Taran and Szilagyi in 1947 (5,6).

How do you assess the QT interval? ›

QT interval in an ECG complex can be measured manually by different methods, such as the threshold method, in which the end of the T wave is determined by the point at which the component of the T wave merges with the isoelectric baseline, or the tangent method, in which the end of the T wave is determined by the ...

How is QT measured on ECG? ›

The QT interval should be measured from the start of the QRS complex to the end of the T wave. If no ruler is available, a simple method is by counting squares. Each small square on a standard ECG corresponds to 40 ms, and thus by using half squares, the precision of this method can be as close as 20 ms.

How do you determine the QT interval? ›

The QT interval should be measured manually, preferably by using one of the limb leads that best shows the end of the T wave on a 12-lead ECG. The QT interval should be measured from the beginning of the QRS complex to the end of the T wave and averaged over 3 to 5 beats.

What is the QT interval for dummies? ›

What is a QT. The QT interval is a measurement that represents the total time from ventricular depolarization to complete repolarization. This process begins at the start of the q wave and extends to the end of the T wave. If there is no q wave, then the starting point would be the very beginning of the R wave.

What is the QT interval a measure of? ›

The QT interval is a measure of the combination of cardiac depolarization and repolarization as it encompasses both the QRS complex and the J-T interval.

How do you monitor a QTc interval? ›

QTc monitoring is done through telemetry monitoring or an electrocardiogram (EKG). It is part of the heart rhythm's waveform that represents the time it takes for ventricular depolarization and repolarization.

What is the QT interval level? ›

QT Interval

This rate-corrected interval (QTc) should be less than 0.45 second in infants, 0.44 second in children, and 0.43 second in adults.

What is the QT interval guideline? ›

Definitions for QT prolongation vary in the literature, but for men QTc >440 msec and for women QTc >470 msec are commonly used. The risk of TdP increases with increasing QTc, for every 10 msec increase, there is a ~5-7% increase in the risk of arrhythmic events.

How do you test for long QT? ›

An EKG is the most common test used to diagnose LQTS. Because your QT interval may change from time to time, you may need to have several EKGs over a period of days or weeks or use a Holter monitor. You may also need a stress test to measure your heart rhythm while your heart is working hard and beating fast.

What is a normal QT interval box? ›

Normally, the QT interval is 0.36 to 0.44 seconds (9-11 boxes). The QT interval will vary with patient gender, age and heart rate. Another guideline is that normal QT Intervals is less than half of the R-R Interval for heart rates below 100 bpm.

How do you calculate QT interval? ›

The QT in millimetres is multiplied by 40ms to find the QT in milliseconds (ms). Then the heart rate (HR) is determined (HR = 1500/RR). The QTc is obtained by adding the measured QT to twice the difference: HR-60. In the case of HR> 90 bpm, the value is reduced by 10 ms.

What does QT mean in measurements? ›

The quart (symbol: qt) is a unit of volume equal to a quarter of a gallon. Three kinds of quarts are currently used: the liquid quart and dry quart of the US customary system and the imperial quart of the British imperial system. All are roughly equal to one liter.

What is the difference between QT interval and QTc interval? ›

QT duration is inversely related to heart rate; QT duration increases at slow heart rates and vice versa. Hence, the QT duration must be adjusted for heart rate, which yields the corrected QT duration (QTc).

What is the formula for QTc duration? ›

Corrected QT interval (QTc)

Bazett formula: QTC = QT / √ RR. Fridericia formula: QTC = QT / RR. Framingham formula: QTC = QT + 0.154 (1 – RR)

How do you calculate QS QT ratio? ›

These variables are related according to the following equation, which is derived by combining the Fick and the classic shunt equations: Qs/Qt = 1 - [(VO2/Qt)/(Cc'O2 - CvO2)].

What is the normal range for the QT interval? ›

QT interval assessment

The electrocardiographic QTc is approximately normally distributed in the general population. Normal values for the QTc range from 350 to 450 ms for adult men and from 360 to 460 ms for adult women; however, 10%-20% of otherwise healthy persons may have QTc values outside this range.

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