Why Is My Car Revving On Its Own? (2025)

  • Matija Pinko

Updated on May 28, 2022

Do you have a car that likes to rev on its own? This can be a really frustrating problem, and it’s one that a lot of drivers experience.

The most common cause of this problem is a faulty ignition system or spark plugs, but there are other causes too!

A bad fuel line or fuel pump can cause revving which you can’t control, but it can also be an electrical problem as your car may be needing more electricity than a bad alternator and battery can provide.

In this article, we will discuss the possible causes of this issue and how you can go about fixing it. If your car is revving on its own, don’t panic! We will help you figure out what’s going on and how to solve the problem.

What Is Revving?

Revving is when your car’s engine starts up on its own, without you pressing the gas pedal. This can be a really scary experience, especially if it happens while you’re driving. There are a few different reasons why your car might start revving on its own, and we will discuss them in detail below.

What Causes My Car To Rev On Its Own?

There are several things that could cause your car to start revving on its own. Here are some of the most common causes:

Faulty ignition system

One possible reason for your car revving is a faulty ignition system. If the spark plugs aren’t working properly, it could cause the engine to misfire and start revving.

Bad fuel line

Another possible cause of revving is a bad fuel line. If the fuel line isn’t working properly, it won’t let enough gas get to the engine, which causes it to start revving up and down without any input from you.

Fuel pump problems

Why Is My Car Revving On Its Own? (1)

The fuel pump can also be an issue if your car starts revving on its own.

This problem will usually be accompanied by noises coming from under the hood that sound like someone banging on something metal with a hammer repeatedly at regular intervals (this could just as easily mean there’s another problem with your vehicle).

How Do I Stop My Car From Revving On Its Own?

There are several things you should check when trying to fix your car’s revving problem. Here are some of the most common things you can do:

Check the spark plugs

One of the most common causes of revving is a faulty ignition system. You can test to see if this is the issue by checking the spark plugs. If they’re dirty or covered in carbon, they might not be sparking properly, which could cause your engine to misfire and start revving.

Check the fuel line

Another common problem that can cause your car to rev on its own is a bad fuel line. This issue can often be fixed by replacing the fuel line.

Replace the fuel pump

If you think that the fuel pump might be causing your car’s problems, you can replace it yourself fairly easily. There are many different parts that make up the fuel pump, but they all fit together in such a way that allows it to work properly when everything else is working correctly.

If you’re still having revving problems after replacing your spark plugs and changing out the fuel filter, then there may be something wrong with your engine. You can diagnose this by checking for coolant leaks or oil leaks under the hood of your car.

If there are no signs of leakage anywhere on top of the engine block (where coolant flows through), then chances are good that something inside has gone bad too!

What Are The Symptoms Of A Revving Issue?

Why Is My Car Revving On Its Own? (2)

There are several different symptoms associated with this issue. Here are some common ones:


One symptom of a revving problem is misfiring. These are when the engine doesn’t fire at all, causing your car to lose power and start slowing down as it struggles against gravity (and other forces).


Another sign that something might be wrong with your car’s fuel system or engine is an erratic idle speed.

How Do I Prevent My Car From Revving On Its Own?

There are several ways you can prevent this from happening in the future. Here are some tips for avoiding it:

Check spark plugs regularly

It’s important that you check spark plugs regularly to make sure they’re not dirty or covered in carbon deposits because these cause problems with how well ignitions work, which could lead to revving on their own.

Change fuel filter regularly

The fuel filter should also be changed out periodically because it can get clogged up and cause issues if not replaced properly.

Replace oil when necessary

Oil changes should happen once every three months or so depending on how much driving you do each day (more than 500 miles per day means that your oil needs to change sooner rather than later). This will help keep things running smoothly while preventing problems such as revving from occurring again in the future.

Why Does My Car Rev On Its Own While Driving?

Why Is My Car Revving On Its Own? (3)

There are several possible reasons why your car might be revving while you’re driving it. It could be anything from a problem with the fuel system to an issue with the engine itself!

If you’re having this problem, it’s important to take your car to a mechanic and have them check it out so that the issue can be diagnosed and fixed as soon as possible.

Additional Problems

Idle Control Valve

When the engine is cold, it’s normal for the idle control valve to open and close as needed to help regulate the idle speed. If this valve becomes stuck in the open position, however, your car will continue to rev even after you’ve let off the gas pedal.

EGR Valve

The EGR (exhaust gas recirculation) valve helps reduce emissions by recycling some of the exhaust gases back into the engine. If this valve becomes clogged or malfunctioning, your car may start revving on its own because not enough air is entering the combustion chamber.

Throttle Position Sensor

The throttle position sensor monitors how far down you’ve pushed on the accelerator pedal and sends that information to the ECU (engine control unit). When there’s a problem with this sensor, it can cause issues like revving without any input from the driver.

Fuel Injectors

The fuel injectors are responsible for spraying gasoline into each cylinder at just the right time and pressure so that it mixes with air in order to create combustion (which powers your car).

If these become clogged up due to dirt or debris buildup inside of them over time, then they’re not going to mix as much gas and air together which means less power is produced by each engine stroke.

Oxygen Sensor

The oxygen sensor monitors how much-unburned oxygen is present after exhaust gases have left through an open window during operation; if too little of it remains when let off of the gas pedal, then your car might rev up again without any input from you.

Problem With Transmission

Why Is My Car Revving On Its Own? (4)

If there are problems with your transmission, then it may cause the car to rev without any input from you. This could be due to a faulty sensor or another issue within the system itself.

A bad battery can also result in high RPMs even when not driving because it doesn’t have enough power for all components inside of an engine compartment so they’re overworking themselves trying to make up for this lack of energy supply!

How To Diagnose Transmission Problems?

If your car is revving on its own, it’s important to take it to a mechanic and have them check it out. There are several things that could be causing the problem, so it’s best to let a professional take a look at it and diagnose the issue.

Some of the methods that mechanics use to diagnose transmission problems include:

Road testing

This involves taking the car for a test drive and seeing how it behaves while driving. The mechanic will be looking for any symptoms or problems that might occur during this time.

Visual inspection

The mechanic will inspect all of the parts of the transmission system visually in order to see if there are any obvious issues present.

Removal and disassembly

If there are any problems that are difficult to see from the outside, the mechanic may decide to take the transmission apart and inspect each individual part.


Various tests can be performed on transmission in order to determine if it’s working properly or not. This might include pressure testing, leak testing, and electrical testing.

Why Does My Automatic Jerk When Changing Gears?

Why Is My Car Revving On Its Own? (5)

If you’re noticing your car jerking when changing gears, it’s important to take it in for a diagnosis as soon as possible. There are several potential causes of this problem, and it’s best to let a professional mechanic take a look at it and determine the root cause.

Some of the most common reasons for an automatic car jerk when changing gears include:

Faulty transmission sensor

This is one of the most common reasons for an automatic car jerk. A faulty sensor can cause the transmission to shift gears incorrectly, which will result in a harsh or jarring motion.

Clogged filters

If the filters inside of your transmission become clogged up with dirt or debris, it can prevent smooth shifting and cause the car to jerk when changing gears. A professional mechanic will be able to clean out the system and get it working properly again.

Worn parts

Over time, some parts inside of an automatic transmission may wear out from use and cause problems with shifting. If these worn components are not replaced in time, they can lead to harsh jerking motions when switching gears as well as other issues such as slipping or grinding noises during operation.


What Is Normal RPM While Driving?

The normal RPM while driving is around 2500 RPM, but this can vary depending on many factors such as how fast you’re going and what kind of car it is. For example, some cars may have higher or lower limits than others due to engine design differences between models.

If the revs are too high during acceleration then you should check your fuel pump or throttle body for any leaks which could cause them not to function properly.

When accelerating from rest position at a standstill speed limit (e.g., 60km/h) before reaching cruising range where less power will be required, there’s no need to shift into higher gears like fifth gear which takes more time because its ratio means each rotation produces less torque output than fourth gear does for maximum performance.

If the revs are too low, then you might need to replace your spark plugs or air filter. You should also check for vacuum leaks as these can cause a decrease in engine power and improper functioning of the fuel injection system.

Finally, make sure that all of your fluids (engine oil, transmission fluid, brake fluid) are at their correct levels and aren’t contaminated.

Can A Bad Timing Belt Cause Jerking Problems?

Why Is My Car Revving On Its Own? (6)

A bad timing belt can cause jerking problems because it prevents the pistons from moving up and down at the right time. This results in misfiring, which will make your car jerk when accelerating or decelerating abruptly as well as while idling.

The engine may also stall if there is a worn out or broken timing component such as an intake valve spring that isn’t properly lubricated with oil before starting up again after being shut off for extended periods (like overnight).

Why Does My Car Rev High When Idling?

If your car revs high when idling, it may be due to a leaky vacuum hose that’s letting more air into than necessary through one of its openings.

This causes higher engine speeds as the car tries to compensate. Another potential cause of this problem is a dirty air filter, which will also decrease engine performance and make it rev higher than normal.

A faulty fuel pump can also be the culprit, as can low levels of engine oil or transmission fluid.

If you’re not sure what’s causing your car to rev high when idling, it’s best to take it in for a diagnostic checkup at your nearest automotive service center. They’ll be able to determine the root cause of the issue and recommend a solution.

Can A Faulty Speed Sensor Cause Jerking?

A faulty speed sensor can cause jerking because it prevents the car from knowing how fast you’re moving and what gear should be selected accordingly. This results in a rough ride as well as poor fuel economy due to changing gears at inappropriate times (e.g., when accelerating).

The computer may also detect an error code if there is one present, which could lead to further problems down the road such as engine misfiring or stalling out entirely

Can A Faulty Throttle Position Sensor Cause Jerking?

A faulty throttle position sensor can cause jerking because it prevents your car’s engine management system from knowing where the accelerator pedal is located relative to its normal range; this will result in sudden acceleration that feels jerky or rough.

If you’re not sure what’s causing the jerking, it’s best to take your vehicle in for an inspection at an automotive service center so they can determine whether there are any other issues such as a dirty air filter or low levels of engine oil that might need fixing too!


This is only a partial list of potential causes for your car revving while driving; there could be other reasons why this is happening as well. If you’re experiencing this problem, it’s best to have it checked out by a professional mechanic.

Once the mechanic has diagnosed the problem, they will be able to recommend a course of action for fixing it. It’s important to get this issue fixed as soon as possible so that your car runs smoothly and doesn’t rev on its own!

Here are some other related articles to check out:

Does Revving Your Engine Warm It Up Faster?

How To Rev a Car Engine Without Moving – Automatic and Manual

What Causes High RPM While Driving?

Why Is My Car Revving On Its Own? (2025)
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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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