What Happens To The Snakes On Swamp Invasion? Understanding The Ecological Impact And Survival Strategies - Taphibians (2025)

Deep in the heart of Florida’s mysterious Everglades, a battle is raging. Not between humans, but between an invasive species and the delicate balance of nature.

Enter the captivating world of ‘Serpent Invasion’, an adrenaline-fueled TV show on a mission to protect the fragile ecosystem from the relentless onslaught of Burmese pythons. This gripping tale follows a dedicated team of snake hunters as they navigate treacherous swamps, risking life and limb to protect native wildlife.

But what happens to the snakes they capture? Do they meet a grim fate or find redemption in unexpected ways?

Join us as we delve into the captivating world of snake combat on ‘Serpent Invasion’ and unravel the untold secrets of the swamp.

What Happens To The Snakes On Swamp Invasion?

On the TV show ‘Serpent Invasion’, the snakes on the show, specifically the invasive Burmese pythons in Florida’s Everglades, are targeted and fought off to combat their destruction of the ecosystem. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission pays trappers to hunt and kill these pythons, with efforts to adhere to hunting regulations.

Additionally, these trappers receive prizes for eliminating the most and largest pythons. The escape of captive pythons after Hurricane Andrew led to their rapid breeding and the decimation of small animal populations.

Moreover, the larger pythons have become predators to native alligators. To combat the python population, the Python Elimination Program was created in 2017, allowing licensed individuals to humanely euthanize the snakes.

The program provides designated land for python removal agents, who are the only ones, along with winners of the Florida Python Challenge, eligible for payment. These agents are paid hourly and receive extra compensation based on snake size and active nests.

Additionally, the cast of Swamp People, who are licensed alligator hunters, are paid for catching snakes on the show, as Serpent Invasion is a spin-off of Swamp People.

Key Points:

  • ‘Serpent Invasion’ focuses on combating invasive Burmese pythons in Florida’s Everglades.
  • Trappers are paid by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission to hunt and kill these pythons.
  • Prizes are given to trappers who eliminate the most and largest pythons.
  • Captive pythons escaping after Hurricane Andrew led to rapid breeding and a decrease in small animal populations.
  • Larger pythons have become predators to native alligators.
  • The Python Elimination Program allows licensed individuals to humanely euthanize snakes and provides payment to removal agents.

💡 Pro Tips:

1. The TV show ‘Serpent Invasion’ is a spin-off of ‘Swamp People’ and features licensed alligator hunters who get paid for catching snakes.
2. The Python Elimination Program in Florida allows licensed individuals to humanely euthanize snakes, providing a means to control the python population.
3. Trappers involved in the python elimination efforts receive prizes for catching the most and largest pythons, incentivizing their participation in the program.
4. The rapid breeding and escape of captive pythons after Hurricane Andrew led to a decimation of small animal populations and even preyed on native alligators.
5. Swamp Invasion focuses on combatting Burmese pythons in Florida’s Everglades, which are invasive species destroying the ecosystem.

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Introduction: ‘What Happens To The Snakes On Swamp Invasion?’

Snakes have always fascinated and captivated human beings with their slithering movements and mysterious charm. However, in recent years, Florida’s Everglades National Park has become a battleground for a unique and challenging fight against an invasive species – the Burmese python.

With the rise of shows like “Serpent Invasion,” a spin-off of the popular program “Swamp People,” the plight of these snakes has gained widespread attention.

The Fight Against Burmese Pythons: Efforts To Combat Invasive Species

The presence of Burmese pythons in Florida’s Everglades is an alarming ecological threat. Originating from Southeast Asia, these non-native reptiles were first introduced into the region by the escape of captive pythons after Hurricane Andrew in 1992.

Their rapid adaptation to the local environment, coupled with the absence of natural predators, has caused their population to explode and wreak havoc on the delicate ecosystem.

Paying Trappers To Hunt And Kill Pythons: The Role Of Florida Fish And Wildlife Commission

To combat the ever-growing population, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission (FFWC) has implemented a program that pays licensed trappers to hunt and kill Burmese pythons. This program not only helps control the population but also provides an opportunity for licensed individuals to contribute to the preservation of the ecosystem.

The FFWC recognizes the importance of ensuring that the pythons are dispatched in a humane manner. Therefore, trappers are required to follow strict hunting regulations, which include euthanizing the snakes in a manner approved by the American Veterinary Medical Association.

This ensures that the snakes are not subjected to unnecessary suffering during the removal process.

Following Hunting Regulations: Prizes For Most And Largest Pythons Killed

As an incentive to motivate trappers, the FFWC has established a system of awards and prizes for the individuals who successfully eliminate the most and largest pythons. This serves as a way to recognize and reward the efforts of these dedicated individuals who are truly making a difference in preserving the delicate balance of the Everglades.

The Escaped Captive Pythons: Devastation And Rapid Breeding After Hurricane Andrew

The situation in the Everglades is a direct consequence of the unintended consequences caused by Hurricane Andrew in 1992. The destructive power of the hurricane resulted in the escape of numerous captive pythons, which subsequently bred rapidly.

This explosion in the python population led to the decimation of small animal populations, including mammals, birds, and reptiles, as the pythons treated the Everglades as their new hunting ground.

Preying On Native Alligators: Larger Pythons As A Threat To The Ecosystem

One of the most astonishing and shocking aspects of the Burmese python invasion is the fact that these massive reptiles have now become predators of the native alligators. Historically seen as the apex predator of the Everglades, the alligators are now facing an unfamiliar and formidable threat.

The larger pythons are capable of overpowering and devouring these alligators, disrupting the delicate balance of the Everglades ecosystem. This unprecedented phenomenon emphasizes the urgent need to control and eradicate this invasive species.

The Python Elimination Program: A Strategy To Control The Python Population

Recognizing the gravity of the situation, the Python Elimination Program was created in 2017. This program aims to tackle the Burmese python population head-on by providing licensed individuals with the necessary tools and resources to humanely euthanize these snakes.

It also offers designated land access for python removal agents to focus their efforts on areas with high python densities.

Opportunities For Licensed Python Removal Agents: Accessing Designated Land And Payment

The Python Elimination Program offers opportunities for licensed python removal agents to actively participate in the fight against the invasive species. These agents are provided with access to designated land, enabling them to locate and remove pythons more effectively.

Additionally, these agents, along with winners of the Florida Python Challenge, receive payment for their efforts.

The payment structure for python removal agents includes an hourly rate ranging from $10 to $15, with additional compensation based on the size of the snakes captured and the presence of active nests. This not only motivates licensed individuals to actively participate in the program but also recognizes their invaluable role in controlling and reducing the python population.

In summary, the battle against the invasive Burmese pythons in Florida’s Everglades is an ongoing and challenging endeavor. Through TV shows like “Serpent Invasion” and efforts such as the Python Elimination Program, there is hope for the preservation of this unique and fragile ecosystem.

By understanding the ecological impact of these snakes and the strategies employed to combat their presence, we can collectively work towards restoring balance to the Everglades and protecting its rich biodiversity.


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What Happens To The Snakes On Swamp Invasion? Understanding The Ecological Impact And Survival Strategies - Taphibians (2025)


What happens to the snakes on the Swamp Invasion? ›

Licensed individuals: The state of Florida allows licensed individuals, such as the Swamp People, to participate in the Python Elimination Program. These individuals are authorized to humanely euthanize the snakes they catch [1].

What happens to captured Burmese pythons? ›

However, because Burmese pythons are a regulated species, they cannot be transported alive and must be humanely euthanized on-site. For more information on removing Burmese pythons on public and private lands, please visit the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission's website at myfwc.com/python.

What impact does the Burmese python have on the ecosystem? ›

Severe declines in mammal populations throughout Everglades National Park have been linked to Burmese pythons, with the most severe declines in native species having occurred in the remote southernmost regions of the Park where pythons have been established the longest.

Why don't they just shoot the pythons in Florida? ›

According to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, these pythons pose such a big threat that hunters and residents alike don't need a permit to kill them. The reptiles are, however, protected by anti-cruelty laws, which require hunters to humanely kill the snakes.

What would happen if snakes disappeared? ›

Key Takeaways. Eliminating snakes could lead to an increase in rodent populations, potentially exacerbating issues like crop destruction and the spread of diseases similar to the bubonic plague.

What happened to the snakes on snake island? ›

The snakes were trapped there around 11,000 years ago, at the end of the last ice age, when rising sea levels cut them off from the mainland. No mammals live on the island, so the snakes had no predators to keep their numbers in check, but also very limited prey.

What happens to all the Burmese pythons caught in Florida? ›

Pythons must be humanely killed onsite at the time of capture. Live transport of pythons is not allowed.

What kills Burmese pythons? ›

Burmese pythons are naturally found in Southeast Asia. As adults, they are predated on by big cats such as Asian tigers and leopards; however, these animals are becoming increasingly rare in their natural habitat, so the risk is much lower currently than it has ever been for an adult Burmese pythons to be eaten.

What to do if you find a Burmese python in the Everglades? ›

If you are in Everglades National Park, you can report a python sighting to a park ranger. You can also report the animal via the “Ive Got 1” reporting hotline (888-483-4681), the EDDMapS reporting site, or by using an iPhone application, IveGot1 - Identify and Report Invasive Animals and Plants in Florida.

What happens to the pythons caught in the Everglades? ›

What do you do if you catch a Burmese python in Florida? Permit holders, python removal contractors, and FWC and South Florida Water Management District staff can transport live pythons for euthanization at a later point. Everyone else must humanely kill the snakes at the capture location, according to FCW.

How does the python affect the ecosystem? ›

Their presence has led to severe declines in Everglades mammal populations. They are known to eat imperiled species such as wood storks, Key Largo woodrats, and limpkins, as well as large animals such as alligators, white-tailed deer, and bobcats. They also compete with native predators for food, habitat, and space.

What damage could the Burmese python cause to the local economy? ›

Answer and Explanation: In places where Burmese pythons are invasive species, such as in the Florida Everglades, they affect the economy by killing protected species of wildlife known to draw tourism.

What is the longest snake ever recorded? ›

Reticulated Python

The Reticulated Python is known to be the world's longest snake and has been recorded to reach over 10 meters (32 feet)! These nonvenomous snakes are found in Southeast Asia.

Is Florida still paying for pythons? ›

The FWC's Python Action Team - Removing Invasive Constrictors (PATRIC), in conjunction with South Florida Water Management District's Python Elimination Program, contracts with qualified private individuals to remove pythons. Contractors are paid hourly – $13 or $18, depending on the area – for removal efforts.

What is the longest python ever recorded? ›

The reticulated python is the longest snake in the world, according to the Natural History Museum. On average, this snake reaches approximately 6.25 meters, or 20.5 feet, in length. The longest recorded reticulated python was discovered in 1912 and measured 10 meters, or about 32.8 feet, long.

What do they do with the captured pythons in Florida? ›

After captured pythons are properly euthanized, they can be sold for their skin or even their meat. Python meat sales are legal in the United States, and one online site advertises boneless Burmese Python meat for $99.99 per pound. Exotic Meat Market says, “Python meat is pink in color.

Why do Swamp People have to catch the pythons alive? ›

Sometimes, scientists ask to get the pythons alive so that they can be tracked. Hunters like Crum deposit them in designated drop boxes during night hunts and email researchers to come get them in the morning.

What happens to the snakes at the rattlesnake Roundup? ›


Rattlesnakes are kicked around, bruised and bleeding from rough handling and restraint, unsafely displayed for entertainment, shot in the head with a bolt gun, and decapitated by machete.

What happens to snakes during wildfires? ›

Snakes can respond to fire by moving quickly and by going underground. However, in extreme conditions such as fast-moving wildfires, amphibians and reptiles may have difficulty navigating from ignited areas.

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.