Together...Forever, Sweetheart - Hey, Shona: Pg16 | Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon (2024)

As everyone stands in silence as Natasha struggles to freeher hand. Khushi cannot take it, she says in a firm voice, "Let go of herhand!" Everyone looks at Khushi stunned, including Vikrant. He lifts an eyebrowand asks suppressing his anger, "Excuse me! What did you say?" Khushi stepsforward and says in a strong voice, "What you heard!... Let go f her hand!"Vikrant folds his lips and says, "Then I will hold your hand!" Stunned Khushilooks at him as he smiles and says, "Hunh?" Disgusted, angered Khushi says, "What do you think of yourself? You arethe organizer of this contest, so you can do anything? How dare you touch her!"No one interferes' Sam looks on keenly as Khushi keeps talking, "If you haveforgotten, then let me remind you of the rules of the contest!" InitiallyVikrant looks at Khushi with sarcasm but as she keeps talking fiercely, it irkshim. He asks, "Who are you?" Khushi fires back, "An ordinary woman!... whocannot watch another woman being insulted." Vikrant rolls his eyes and throws hiseyebrows' all other girls watch but say nothing. "Do you know who I am?"Vikrant asks. "From your act and the style of speaking, you look like ahooligan'probably you came here mistakenly! And if you are from a rich and goodfamily then why don't you look like one? you are not even capable of managingthis event. Boys like you deserve to be taken to the squares and be humiliatedin public!" Vikrant's anger rises' other girls start laughing under theirbreath' one look from Vikrant shuts them down. Thank You, Khushi for making correct assessment of this guy!

Khushi continues to meet his eye and demands, "Did you nothear what I said?... Let go of her hand!" Vikrant releases Natasha's hand.Amrita smiles to herself as she rejoices, "Finally' what I wanted hashappened!" "Alright! You said and let go!" Vikrant says to Khushi, "Do you knowthat it has never happened that some girl asks me to do something and won't doit! This just can't happen!" he says flirtatiously' in a very cheap manner,"You are right that I am the organizer of this contest! .. and I should knowall my responsibilities well. I want to say something being the organizer'.It's that' that you are very different than others here." He points a finger atKhushi as Khushi tries to guess what he might be getting at. All other girlslook at them'. Vikrant continues, "You just talked about whether I am eligibleto stay here or not'Fine! Let us see'whether you are eligible to stay here ornot!" he makes a gesture with his head and says, "Walk!" Khushi keeps staringat him' he rudely orders, "Walk!" Khushi starts walking in her usual style.. asshe turns around, she trips over the rug and falls down. Amrita laughs happilywhile all other girls feel bad. Sam shakes his head slightly as he continues towatch this debacle. As Khushi lays on the ground, Vikrant asks, 'Who is yourfavorite designer?"

Together...Forever, Sweetheart - Hey, Shona: Pg16 | Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon (1)

Khushi looks up worried' She manages to get back up on herfeet' looks around and says, "I don't have a favorite designer!" In anobnoxious manner Vikrant asks, 'What will you do when you win the contest?"Amrita smiles thinking that Khushi won't have an answer.. but Khushi says, "Iwill help those people who want to do something on their own' those people'"Vikrant lifts an eye brow and lifts a finger and says, "Sam! Prepare this girlfor the swim suit round!" Sam nods his head. A shiver of fear spreads acrossKhushi's body and mind, "Sss..swim suit?" "Why? What happened?.. Are youafraid?... feeling shy?" Vikrant says as he enjoys watching Khushi's fearful face.She averts his gaze as she says in a heavy voice, "I will not wear the suitsuit!" "You have no option!" Vikrant declares with a mean smile, "You will haveto wear the swim suit!" Khushi meets his eye and says in a firm voice, "I willnot wear it!" "Cool.. you are disqualified then!" Vikrant declares stunningKhushi. All the girls look at her.. Amrita rejoices again. Vikrant walks overto Sam and say, "Sam, this girl is totally unfit for this contest."

As Khushi stands stunned there, Natasha says, "Khushi, sayyes! I will mange afterwards!" Khushi looks at her with moist eyes and shakesher head, "No! I will absolutely not wear it!" Khushi stands with her gazelowered. Few moments pass in silence.. the silence is broken by ASR's confidentvoice, "Khushi will not wear swim suit!" Stunned' surprised.. everyone looks upin the direction of the voice' Arnavtakes few confident steps forward as all eyes stay glued on him.. his posturestiff.. his face sharp.. his eyes narrowed' his gaze penetrating sharp challengingVikrant! As they meet each others eye' none of the eyes bow down.. Keeping hiscomposure, in a matter of fact but sharp tone, Arnav says, "There is nocompulsion if someone does not want to wear swim suit." Vikrant asks in a lametone, "And may I know who you are to decide this?" Arnav keeps his penetratinggaze on Vikrant as his shrewd eyes scour his face. Khushi looks at themwondering what ASR might say. Sam intervenes, "This is Arnav Singh Raizada! Themain sponsor of this event!" Vikrant carelessly says to Sam, "So what?" then helooks back at ASR.. his eyes still watchVikrant with brilliance and shrewdness.. Vikrant says, "Whoever the mainsponsor might be.. but the rule cannot change!... Every beauty contest has aswimsuit round! Hunh?" ASR's gaze becomes sharper as he narrows his eyesfurther and says, "This is Mrs. Indiacontest' and these contestants will be representing us in the finale. We willnot gain anything by making them uncomfortable. So, it's final.. there will beno swimsuit round!" Vikrant says, 'you can't change the rule." "Too bad' I justdid!" Arnav says as his eyes twinklebrilliantly and the shrewdness gives an edge to his penetrating gaze that isgood enough to challenge anyone. Vikrant looks at ASR as ASR's pointed gaze stays on his face'making it very clear' that he means what he said!

Together...Forever, Sweetheart - Hey, Shona: Pg16 | Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon (2)

Everyone watches the two of them go head to head with eachother'a relief appears in Khushi's eyes. Sam evaluates the situation and keepsmum' Vikrant laughs sarcastically and says, "I am the organizer of thiscontest." "And I am the main sponsor of this contest!" Arnav replies in aconfident tone. Vikrant gives up, "Fine! But' I will still say that this girlis not up to the mark for the contest!" Khushi looks down as the words sink in.Amrita smiles joyfully as Vikrant says, "Anyone can wear salwar kameez andsaree' I want to see how she will carry a western outfit!" With a shrewdtwinkle in his eyes, ASR asks, "Why should it be only her?" Vikrant thinks fora moment and says, "I'll test everyone." With a sharp and confident face, ASRsays, "Great! Let's do it tomorrow." Awinning smile appears on Vikrant's face.. Khushi's heart feels with uncertainty'.But just then ASR steals a glance at Khushi' their eyes speak for a jiffy.. Asif ASR's eyes say, "Now it's up to you, Khushi!" Then he gives another sharp penetrating lookto Vikrant before turning around and leaving the room in the same impressivemanner that he had entered in. OMG.. ASRkilled me as he looked at Khushi' his gaze was just so brilliant and it spokevolumes.. it reminded me why I loved ASR so much! And.. it proved once againthat ASR in Arnav is still the side of Arnav that I love the most! Vikrantlooks over his shoulder.. Khushi seems deeply worried as her gaze stays lowered'"I will see you tomorrow then!" he says' and gives a cunning smile before heleaves. As soon as Vikrant steps out, Sam says, "Khushi!... You are very luckythat Arnav Singh Raizada came to your rescue at the right time! For the firsttime Khushi realizes and acknowledges to herself, "I am very lucky! Not justtoday.. he has saved me for the lifetime!" her heart fills with happiness,gratitude and love.

Together...Forever, Sweetheart - Hey, Shona: Pg16 | Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon (3)

Happily Khushi enters ASR'soffice' leaves the door open as she walks in' ASR does not lift his eye as hekeeps working on the computer. "Wow, Arnav ji! You were fantastic!" Khushistarts in her animated style' her face fills with pride as she says, "After somany days, once again I saw the real Arnav Singh Raizada!" Neither does asingle muscle move on ASR's face nor does he look up as Khushi continues, "ThatVikrant guy.. you just shut him up! ' It's was so much fun!" Khushi giggles.Arnav still gives no reaction, keeps working on his computer. Khushi says witha smile and twinkling eyes, "I knew that you would definitely help me!' "Excuseme!" Arnav looks up with frowns crowding his forhead..his gaze shows nocongeniality.. that drains the smile from Khushi's face'

Ahhh' Khushi, this is the real ASR you are dealing with! "I wasn'thelping you." Flabbergasted Khushi says, "But.. you said'" "Whatever I said wasfor all the contestants' not just for you!" ASR says as his gaze scoursKhushi's face for a reaction. Khushi immediately looks down' Disappointment and slight anger fill herheart' But Arnav does not stop there.. he rubs it in, "Why? Do you want meto help you?" Yup, Khushi! You are theone who told him not to help you! Khushiis Khushi.. she reacts as Arnav expects her to react' she stutters butcontrols herself and says, "No.. I did not say so!" "Okay.." Arnav says in asoft voice and goes back to his computer.

The dry and straight forward of behavior ofArnav irks Khushi.. she starts fuming when Arnav says without moving his gazefrom the computer, "By the way, I was thinking' had I not come there at thatmoment'" now he looks up at Khushi as his eyes try to gauge her feelings, "Whatwould have happened then?" Khushi breathes heavily just at the thought of thatdisaster.. but Arnav's eyes look at her with anticipation and she does not wantto give in' she belligerently says, "What would have happened? Nothing at all!I would have handled everything!" The patient lover in Arnav asks in a gentlewhisper as he knows what he is doing, "How?" His eyes look her into the eye ashe tries to make her realize, "By wearing swimsuit?.. or by getting thrown outof contest?" Though what Arnav says is the truth, it irks Khushi' as she doesnot want to admit in front of him that she needed his help, she answers like arebellion, "Nothing would have happened like this! I would have gotten him toagree to a no swimsuit round in the contest."Arnav exhibits immense patience as he listens to Khushi, "May be youcame in late, that's why you did not see how I talked that Vikrant guydown!... Had you not come then I would have told him myself that whatever Iwanted should happen!" This amuses Arnav but he keeps a straight face but asksin a calm voice, "Really?"

Gosh! I soloved the way he said he it! That single word out of his mouth with that subtleamusem*nt in his eyes' is just fantastic. As he keeps looking Khushi into theeye with that same expression, she looks exceedingly adorable as she saysfiercely, "Yeah' REALLY.."

Keeping his cool, ASR says,

"Okaythen, if it is like that then be ready for the next round!" Khushi gives him'the' look as he says, "Because the next round is going to be very tough'especially for you!" For a moment reality sinks in before rebellious Khushichallenges him back, "We will see!" Arnav's eyes fill with affection for hiszalli Khushi as she angrily leaves for the door.. "Khushi.." Arnav calls in asoft voice.. his gaze stays soft and affectionate until Khushi turns around..he then makes his eyes indifferent and says, "Close the door when you leave," takingKhushi by surprise as she expects for him to say something different' "Andremember, we are not husband wife here!"He reminds her the rule she putin place for him just the other night. This angers Khushi even more.. sheclenches on her teeth and angrily pulls the door to slam it shut!

As Khushi walks back in where other girls are, Natasha comesin her face and says, 'Why did you need to open your mouth?" "What?" takenaback Khushi asks, "Natasha ji, I was only helping you." "Oh, God! This is theproblem with you middle class girls!" obnoxiously Natasha says, " Start helpinganyone' without thinking.. whether they need your help or not! Had I neededyour help, I would have told you so!" "But.. I' only'" Khushi tries to talk butNatasha cuts her off, "Stop interfering with the lives of others' otherwise,some day.. you will get in trouble.. and will get others in trouble as well!""I saw the fear in your eyes'" Khushi says, "When he grabbed your hand'. And..the hand of a girl will always be a girl's hand' whether the arm belongs toupper class or middle class.." In a rough tone, Natasha says, "Khushi, this ishow the world is' and I meet with such people every day' I know how to takecare of myself! But obviously, you don't know! So, from now on.. remember'don't make such mistake, understood?" Khushi stands there confused and dejectedas Natasha yells at her and leaves. Khushi,how ironic is it that you just had a similar conversation with Arnav! Youbehaved the same way with him Natasha behaved with you' do you realize that justbecause he loves you he keeps quiet and still takes care of you?

Khushi walks in the middleof the street as she talks to herself, "How weird these people are' Ihelped her and she was getting angry at me! Arnav ji was right when he saidthat this world of fashion is weird and that I won't be able to understand it!She stands on teh deserted street and looks for a taxi. There is no one to beseen. Khushi starts walking when Arnav pulls close to her in his car, rollsdown the window and says, "Sit in the car!" Angrily Khushi says, "Why?.. It wasyou who said that we are not husband wife here!" Arnav looks at her and says ina calm voice, "Khushi, the day is over.. and we are not within the premises ofthe event' so, it does not apply.. come, sit!" The rebellious Khushi takesover, "Thank You! But.. I don't need your help!" Poor Arnav keeps looking ather as all animated she tells him, "That's why I did not bring car from home. Idid not want anyone to see me getting out of a big car'" Slight frustration getsmixed in Arnav's voice and his eyes as he tries to explain to Khushi keepinghis cool, "Khushi, everyone has left. You will not find any autos here. Obligeme and sit inside.. Please!" Wow, I wasimpressed with the heavy Hindi ASR used here! Khushi decides not to givein, adamantly she says, "No, I will go on my own!" Tired.. frustrated ASR nochoice but to give up in front of adamant wife, he asks one final time, "Areyou sure?" 'yes!" bang comes the reply. "Alright! Bye!" Arnav starts the carand takes off' Khushi's eyes go wide' as he drives away, she says surprised,"haaannn' He left me alone here? I am so fed up with this Laad Governor' Usedto make me get down from the car earlier on every little thing' now doesn'teven let me sit in the car!" Loved LovedLoved the whole scene and the dialogues! The way she says no but expects him toforce her to sit in the car.. when that does not happen it frustrates her.. thereference to the earlier days was so cute' and nostalgic'

Together...Forever, Sweetheart - Hey, Shona: Pg16 | Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon (4)

Khushi stands fuming' then looks around'. Finally says toherself, 'By the way, Arnav ji was right! How would I get a rickshaw here?"just then all of a sudden a scary looking guy pops in out of nowhere.. he looksat Khushi from top to bottom' Khushi starts walking slowly.. he walks withKhushi still looking at her constantly' his ill intentions obvious in hisgaze.. he follows Khushi closely. Scared Khushi increases her pace of walking..he increases his pace too. Of course,Arnav does not go too far leaving Khushi alone in the middle of the street. Hereturns to see that scared Khushi has been cornered by the goon' he stops hiscar close to them. Khushi's eyes spot Arnav's car right behind the bad guy.. Arnav'spresence is good enough to give Khushi her courage back.. her sharp eyesquickly note a piece of wood on the street next to her feet.. she quickly bendsand grabs it' "Beware.. don't try to come close!' she holds the stick in herhand like a weapon. Just then Arnav gets out of the car. He watches as Khushisays to the goon, "I know karate! I have all the black' blue.. yellow'I haveall the belts!" Arnav finds her so adorable.. an affectionate smirk appears onhis face as he watches his Jhansi Ki Raani.. "If you come forward, then I willbreak your skull open! Run away from here!" She moves forward with the stick..the guy takes off and runs away. Arnav's smirk deepens as the guy runs away.

Together...Forever, Sweetheart - Hey, Shona: Pg16 | Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon (5)

Khushi throws the stick away and cleans her hands pretendingthat she is not scared at all.. Arnav's affectionate eyes look at her with anadorable gaze. He closes the door of the car and walks over to Khushi. Khushipretends to not have seen him, "Arey, when did you come?.. I did not see you!"Arnav realizes that Khushi does not want to acknowledge his presence giving hercourage.. He says with a flicker of smile, "Did you see now? .. Before anyother goon comes, come sit in the car!' Khushi cuts him off showing brevity, "Letthem come if they want to! I am not afraid of anyone!.. Did you not see how Iscared him off?" The mature lover in Arnavrealizes the complexity of his zalli Khushi's mind.. he says, "Yes, I saw it. Formy sake, come sit in the car!" Arnav is amused when Khushi starts walkingtowards the car saying and he follows with an affectionate smile, "Okay,alright! Since you are saying it so affectionately.. but I need no help fromyou!" He gets the door of the car for Khushi, once she is seated, he gets inthe car and drives home.

Back At RM;

Anjali walks in to the lounge area and says to Nani ji asshe sits next to her, "Nani, I'" when her eye catches Khushi enter the house.Nani ji's eyes follow her gaze.. As Arnav and Khushi walk in back to back, Naniji says with a smile, "Arey, you are home! Khushi bitiya,, how was your daytoday?" Before Khushi can say anything, Arnav says with a straight face, "Veryentertaining!" Khushi looks at him'when the mischievous lover in Arnav looks ather and says, "Right?" Khushi says nothing.. just averts his gaze as he turnsto Nani ji and says, "Very powerful!" Nani ji, Anjali, NK and Aarav' all lookat them with smiles on their faces' Khushi looks at him again, he gives her asubtle mischievous look and leaves to go to their room. "Come on, freshen upand come back! We will have dinner soon," Nani ji says. "No, Nani ji! Ourtrainer, Sam ji, has said that I can only have salad. And.. I have just had asalad, so I am not hungry." Khushi explains. "So, do they make you fast in Mrs. India?"Nani ji asks as Anjali suppresses her smile. NK jumps in, "Nani ji, not fasting' dieting! This is called asdieting!" Khushi folds her lips and nods in an agreement."But, Khushi bitiya, youmust eat something!" Nani ji gets worried, "Otherwise you will get sick!" "Naniji, don't you worry. I will not get sick." Khushi says. Nani ji's worried eyesfollow her as she leaves to go upstairs.

Later that night:

"Thank You!" Nani ji says to HP as he serves the dinner.Khushi comes running changed into her night clothes, "Forgive me, I got late!"she says apologetically. "No problem, Khushi bitiya, HP has served the dinner,"Nani ji says, "Now, you should not worry about the household chores." "But Naniji, I can serve the food at least, right?" Khushi says. Everyone smiles andnods in affirmative. Khushi reaches for the serving dish.. as soon as she liftsit up, her face shows temptation followed by disappointment as she exclaims,"Aloo Paranthe!... Chapati stuffed with potatoes!... with butter on top!...what's the occasion?" "Bhabhi ji, in fact, I purchased more potatoes from themarket yesterday. That's why I made Aloo Paranthe today!" HP explains. NK makesan eye gesture towards Khushi to indicate to Anjali.. Anjali suppresses herlaugh.. as they all look at Khushi.. she closes her eyes as she brings theserving bowl close to her nose and savors the smell of the paranthe. "No.. No..Khushi ji! You can't have it! Give it me!.. Thank you! Thank you!" NK takes itaway from her and puts it on the dining table in front of her. Then he looks atKhushi and says, 'Khushi ji, you have restrictions' but we don't have anyrestrictions'. So, I can eat them." He takes a bite and savors the taste, "'" Anjali makes a pretentious angry gesture of slapping him as she whispers,"NK.. quiet!" Then she says to Khushi, "Khushi ji, these paranthas are onlylook good.. they are not tasty.. theyare just okay.. yeah, really! Right, Nani, they are not good, right?" Nani jismiles and nods.

Together...Forever, Sweetheart - Hey, Shona: Pg16 | Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon (6)

Just then Arnav walks in with a package in his hand,"Khushi, this is for you!" Khushi looks at the box in his hand and goes off onhim, "You must have brought Chhole Bhature or Jalebi for me.. so that I getfat.. or may be chocolates!" Arnav looks at her with patience though not veryhappy, he lets her talk, "I know that you are trying to provoke me! But.. I amnot going to be distracted so fast. Understand?" Arnav's keeps listening asKhushi continues and NK feels pity for him, "If you want me to get fat then Iwill get fat after this contest. You keep on trying to bribe me.. but I won'teat! I will starve but' anything that makes me fat I won't eat!" Everyonesmiles at her angry outburst and feels bad for Arnav' he stands there withpatience as she still goes on, 'I know you very well, Arnav ji! You did thesame on Karwa Chauth and now also you want to do the same thing! But, I won'teat! I am steadfast on my decision! I swear by Sam ji!"

Despite all her yelling and accusations, Arnav keeps his cool andsays, "Come on, Khushi! Is it even possible that I bring something for you andyou won't eat it? I brought this for you.. I can't believe that, you arethinking that!" His face shows hisdisappointment as he opens the box' to reveal a sandwich. Khushi looks around..Anjali and Nani ji smile at her suggesting she was unnecessarily worried.Khushi reaches in the box and grabs the sandwich and takes a bite' as she chewson it, Arnav's eyes stay on Khushi's face. Godhow I loved to watch their expressions here'

After couple of chews, Khushi asks with wide eyes, "What isit? I feel like I am getting fatter while eating this!" The family finds it hilariousas Khushi continues, "Sam ji will kill me!" Arnav closes his eyes briefly as asmirk appears on his face. Then he says, "Khushi, this is fat free! This iswhat all the models eat!" Khushi's joy knows no bounds, "Really? " she askswith happy smile and wide eyes' her smile reflects on Arnav's face.. his facerelaxes.. an a subtle smile appears as Khushi asks, "What is it?" "Pita Bread Sandwich!"Arnav says, "I especially brought it for you!." "Mata.. Pita.. Mother..father.. whatever it is.. but while eating this I feel as if I am expanding!" Another sweetsmirk appears on Arnav's face. Khushi continues to eat the sandwich.. pulls thebox out of Arnav's hand as everyone around the table watches them.. NKexclaims, "Wow! Their Love! Amazing!" Nani ji and Anjali smile at each other asthey nod in agreement' the two earlywitnesses of Arnav and Khushi's blossoming love! Khushi smiles at Arnav asshe continues to stuff herself on the sandwich'. Arnav's affectionate gaze stays on her face.. a happy smirk appears onhis face as he looks at his adorable Khushi with affectionate eyes.

Together...Forever, Sweetheart - Hey, Shona: Pg16 | Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon (7)

Later That Night:

As Arnav walks into their room.. his feet stop as his eyesspot Khushi by poolside' Khushi is busy practicing yoga.. she cringes at ithurts to stretch in certain positions.. The ripples in the pool water reflectthe light beautifully against the backdrop of the poolside serene setting' thatlight bounces off Khushi's delicate figure' and her face.. Arnav's eyes sip inevery little detail of his mesmerizing beauty' His eyes and his heart fill withaffection and admiration for his beloved Khushi as he watches her struggle butcontinue to practice.. Arnav's eyes fill with more and more affection as hefinds Khushi more adorable struggling to overcome the odds.. his eyes oozeadmiration and love for her as a flicker of smile spreads across his lips.. Khushimoves on to try the Tree Pose.. She puts her hands together..raised above herhead.. She stands in the pose briefly before losing her balance' Arnav's gazestays steady on her.. as his heart reflects through his twinkling eyes.. Hesmiles to himself as he moves his gaze away. He briefly gets lost in histhoughts.. his smile deepens.. as his eyes fill with adulation and revert backto Khushi who now once again stands in the tree pose but struggles to maintainher balance.. his face changes' smile is replaced by worry.. as he watches her loseher balance.. Arnav sprints out of the room.. Khushi's fearful eyes go wide asshe is about to fall when suddenly something happens to calm her nerves down'saving her from the fall'

Together...Forever, Sweetheart - Hey, Shona: Pg16 | Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon (8)

Arnav gently holds and supports Khushi's stretched armsabove her head' he stands close behind her as his arms bring Khushi's armsslowly down by her side.. his warm breath touches Khushi's face as his gazestays steady on her face.. though unable to see his eyes.. his touch speaks toKhushi.. Hand in hand.. their bodies in close approximation' their hearts fillwith passion as Arnav brings Khushi's arms to rest by her side. Khushi slowlylowers her leg and rests it down on the floor.. Their passionate hearts thoughare lost in longing for each other.. Arnav's hand gingerly and passionately..ever so slightly' glides slowly from her fingers up towards her shoulder.. histouch sending sparks through Khushi's body'. As his passionate gaze steadies onher face while he touches her so passionately.. Khushi closes her eyes as shefinds herself drowning in Arnav's intense passion' As Arnav's passionatefingers caress Khushi's arm ever so gently as he slides it up to her shoulder..Khushi's breathing gets heavier.. Arnav holds her shoulder for a slightpassionate squeeze as he lowers his face to plant a heavy passionate kiss onher temple. . her lips part ever so slightly.. as they quiver.. Khushi opens hereyes and turns to meet Arnav's passionate gaze as he pulls his face away. Arnavgently turns Khushi around to face him when she loses her balance' but' no, hisKhushi cannot fall as long as Arnav is around and is allowed to hold her..Arnav's hands quickly catch Khushi as Khushi holds on to Arnav's shoulder..Arnav's hands wrapped around Khushi's delicate waist.. her hands wrapped aroundhis shoulders.. as she stays leaned in Arnav's arms,.. Arnav and Khushi getlost in others eyes' the magical poolside witnesses yet another passionatemoment in Arnav and Khushi's love life.

Together...Forever, Sweetheart - Hey, Shona: Pg16 | Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon (2024)
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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Views: 6079

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (47 voted)

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Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.