My 5 Life Saving Recipes While On Poverty Macros! (2025)

I’ll be honest, when I started this mini cut, I thought it was going to awful… I was so used to eating a ton of food and never really feeling hungry. I have a massive appetite and love to eat huge meals so I knew it was going to be a challenge trying to satisfy my appetite while being on poverty macros. To give you perspective, I went from 400g carbs and 65g fat per day to 200g carbs and 45g fat. ​

The trick when dieting is to trick your body into thinking it is eating the same amount of food by picking more macro friendly option aka more volumous, ​so you feel like you are eating the same amount of food!

But this mini cut was a blessing in disguise because it gave me a kick in the butt to create some macro friendly recipes ​or I was going to die! 🙂

So In this post, I am going to cover my 5 recipes (with some bonus variations 🙂 that I’ve created that have allowed me to flourish while on these poverty macros and make this mini cut a piece of cake…. That was punny

So here are the recipes I will cover:

  • Easy High Protein Frosting Recipes
  • Diet Saving Jello Protein Cheesecake
  • Low Calorie Crunch Wrap Burger
  • Salad Gainz
  • Low Calorie Protein Cookie Butter Dip

RECIPE #1: Super Easy High Protein Frosting Recipes

I needed to find a recipe that was portable, high volume, macro friendly and most importantly, was sweet to have for my first meal of the day. I started thinking of my options and knew I wanted to use my new PEScience protein powder (honestly the best protein powder I have ever tasted… literally not even close) to make a tasty creation. So I thought of my options for the base of the recipe and knew that chickpeas would be a great base because of my previous recipe for cookie dough.

So if I wanted for it to be higher volume, I knew I rice cake are an amazing option to make like you’re eating more! You can watch this super quick tutorial to find 4 different high protein variations of my favorite frosting!

Talk about a craving crusher and macro saving option!

My 5 Life Saving Recipes While On Poverty Macros! (1)

BDay Cake Protein Frosting:

10g Whey/Casein Blend Vanilla Protein Powder

3g Coconut Flour

2g Zero Cal Sweetener of your choice

20g Plain Non Fat Greek Yogurt

30ml Cold Water

5g Sprinkles

PB Frosting:

6g Whey/Casein Blend Vanilla or PB Protein Powder

12g Powdered PB

2g Coconut Flour

2g Zero Cal Sweetener of your choice

30ml Cold Water

Chocolate Sea Salt Frosting:

10g Whey/Casein Blend Vanilla Protein Powder

10g Black Cocoa Powder (

2g Zero Cal Sweetener of your choice

30ml Cold Water

1g Sea Salt Flakes

5g Crushed Almonds

5g Mini Chocolate Chips

Pumpkin Pie Protein Frosting:

10g Whey/Casein Blend Vanilla Protein Powder

3g Coconut Flour

2g Zero Cal Sweetener of your choice Dash of Pumpkin Spice Dash of Ground Cinnamon

75g Pure Canned Pumpkin

5g Mini Chocolate Chips

5g Crushed Almonds

RECIPE #2: Diet Saving Jello Protein Cheesecake

This recipe is so so easy, quick and delicious. When you’re on poverty macros and time is short, this one is gonna come in CLUTCH.

  • Sugar free jello flavor of your choice
  • 8g Sugar free jello pudding flavor
  • 227g Nonfat Greek yogurt
  • 2g Zero calorie sweetener of your choice
  • Strawberries
  • Fat Free Whip Cream
  • Directions:

    1. Prep the jello the night before (or you can use pre made jello containers if you prefer)
    2. Take greek yogurt and place in a bowl, add the sugar free jello pudding flavor of your choice and zero calorie sweetener to it and mix like crazy.
    3. Add the frosting to the jello.
    4. Top with strawberries and fat free whip and enjoy! That simple!

    RECIPE #3 Low Calorie Crunch Wrap Burger

    This one is a tried and true recipe I use almost every other day.

    Ingredients: –

    Trader Joe’s Flour Tortilla

    – 6oz 96/4 Lean Ground Beef (used Trader Joe’s Brand)

    – 14g Trader Joe’s Light Mozzarella Cheese (might add a bit more if you need to seal the bottom of your crunch wrap with it.

    – 15g Archer Farms Salsa Con Queso

    – 14g Fresh Mashed Avocado

    Macros for the WHOLE Crunch Wrap Burger:

    504 Cals, 35g Carbs, 20g Fat, 46g Protein

    RECIPE #4 Low Calorie Salad Gainz

    How much you forget how awesome salads are when you have not been on poverty macros for almost 6 months! They are a game changer and provide that volume that keeps me sane and gives my mouth quite the workout!

    The Recipe:

    • 100g Raw Spinach
    • 300g of Pepper, Yellow Squash and Zucchini
    • 125g Alfredo
    • 2 Slices Fat Free Sharp Cheddar Cheese
    • 1 Pepper Jack Laughing Cow Cheese
    • Mustard
    • Slash of Fat Free Milk
    • 600g Head of Romaine
    • 150g Tomato
    • 1 Fried Runny Egg

    So now you just take all the ingredients and add to your massive doggie bowl and devour that bad boy! Ohh and be prepared that this will take a good 30 minutes to devour 🙂 That is a theme with many of these recipes because I have a large stomach to fill.

    RECIPE #5 Protein Cookie Butter

    And last but not least! Let’s not forget about possibly my favorite life saving, macro saver of all time,Protein Cookie Butter!

    Macros for the WHOLE Bowl:

    277 Cals, 19g Carbs, 5g Fat, 39g Protein!

    My 5 Life Saving Recipes While On Poverty Macros! (2)

    ❇️ Ingredients:

    12g Protein Cookie Butter Golden Cookie Sandwich

    12g Protein Cookie Butter Cookies & Cream

    24g PEScience Gourmet Vanilla Select Protein

    2g Zero Cal Sweetener of your Choice (optional)

    80g Plain Non Fat Greek Yogurt

    Cold Water

    10g Mini Chocolate Chips

    10g Crushed Peanuts

    ✳️ Directions:

    1️⃣ Add all your Protein Cookie Butter, PEScience and sweetener into a bowl and mix to avoid clumping.

    2️⃣ Slowly add cold water and mix and repeat till you have thick but not to thick frosting like consistency.

    3️⃣ Add your greek yogurt in and mix.

    4️⃣ Add to freezer for 15-20 minutes to thicken up more.

    5️⃣ Add your mini chocolate chips and crushed peanuts

    6️⃣ Take a Kim’s Magic Pop and dip it into the heaven like a dessert chips and dip!


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    My 5 Life Saving Recipes While On Poverty Macros! (2025)


    My 5 Life Saving Recipes While On Poverty Macros!? ›

    If you are low on macros, those are referred to as Poverty Macros. It's like stretching your money from paycheck to paycheck. You must tread carefully so you don't over spend and have nothing left! One salvation for poverty macros is Volume Foods.

    What are poverty macros? ›

    If you are low on macros, those are referred to as Poverty Macros. It's like stretching your money from paycheck to paycheck. You must tread carefully so you don't over spend and have nothing left! One salvation for poverty macros is Volume Foods.

    What is the most macro friendly food? ›

    Green Vegetables are the most macro friendly. They give you the most bang for your buck. These include: Broccoli, Kale, Spinach, Peppers, Green Beans, Asparagus, Cucumber, Zucchini, Lettuce, Mustard Greens, Celery, Brussel Sprouts, and many more.

    How to create macro balanced meals? ›

    To create a balanced meal, you must incorporate all three macronutrients. This means that at breakfast, lunch, and dinner, you should aim to include a source of protein, carbohydrates (ideally starch and fiber), and fat in your meal.

    What is flexible dieting? ›

    It's a diet that lets you eat pretty much what you want, as long as you follow a few guidelines. The key to flexible dieting is understanding that every food you eat counts as a protein, carbohydrate, or fat. These are known as macronutrients, or “macros.”

    What are the 3 types of poverty? ›

    Sociologists differentiate between four main types of poverty: absolute poverty, relative poverty, subjective poverty, social exclusion.

    What are the 5 dimensions of poverty? ›

    As shown by one of its most famous theoreticians, Amartya Sen, dimensions of poverty not only include income-consumption poverty but also the deprivation of capabilities linked to health, education (mortality, undernourishment, illiteracy), and participation in the activities of the society.

    Are bananas macro friendly? ›

    Although bananas are an excellent fruit, consuming multiple bananas a day will most likely keep you from adding more variety into your diet, such as other macronutrients, including proteins and healthy fats.

    What foods are not allowed on macro diet? ›

    Foods to avoid on a macrobiotic diet

    dairy products. eggs. refined sugar. animal fats.

    What is the easiest macro to digest? ›

    Carbohydrates are the quickest, and fats are the slowest. Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are digested in the intestine, where they are broken down into their basic units: Carbohydrates into sugars.

    What should be in every meal? ›

    According to the USDA's recommendations, half of a person's plate should consist of fruits and vegetables. The other half should be made up of grains and protein. They recommend accompanying each meal with a serving of low-fat dairy or another source of the nutrients found in dairy.

    What foods to eat when counting macros? ›

    Best Foods for Macronutrients
    • Foods to consider: whole grains, fruits, vegetables, milk, yogurt.
    • Foods to consider: plant oils (olive/canola), avocado, nuts/nut butter, seeds, egg yolks.
    • Foods to consider: lean means, dairy, seafood, beans, soy, eggs.
    Aug 16, 2021

    How to break up macros throughout the day? ›

    A basic strategy would be to divide your total daily targets including calories, carbs, fat and protein by four. This would give you even macro targets for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. Then, divide that 1/4 number by two to get the target macros for your two snacks.

    What is zig zag diet? ›

    A zig zag diet, also known as a calorie cycling or calorie shifting diet, is a dietary approach that involves alternating between high-calorie and low-calorie days throughout the week. In short, this approach prevents the body from adapting to a consistent low-calorie intake, which can lead to a plateau in weight loss.

    What is the 80 20 rule for flexible dieting? ›

    The 80/20 rule is a guide for your everyday diet—eat nutritious foods 80 percent of the time and have a serving of your favorite treat with the other 20 percent. For the “80 percent” part of the plan, focus on drinking lots of water and eating nutritious foods that include: Whole grains.

    What foods should you avoid for flexibility? ›

    This is because sugar destroys the collagen in your skin and connective tissues. This means avoiding processed foods, ready meals, junk food, biscuits and chocolate. Alcohol is also pure sugar, so must be avoided.

    What is poverty in macroeconomics? ›

    Poverty is about not having enough money to meet basic needs including food, clothing and shelter. However, poverty is more, much more than just not having enough money. The World Bank Organization describes poverty in this way: “Poverty is hunger. Poverty is lack of shelter.

    What is the poverty trap macro? ›

    Poverty traps are self-perpetuating cycles of poverty, where individuals or communities struggle to escape. The reasons for poverty cycles may include low income, limited access to education, healthcare, and limited economic opportunities.

    What is the poverty cycle in macroeconomics? ›

    Families trapped in the cycle of poverty have few to no resources. There are many self-reinforcing disadvantages that make it virtually impossible for individuals to break the cycle. This occurs when poor people do not have the resources necessary to escape poverty, such as financial capital, education, or connections.

    What is the US poverty rate macro trends? ›

    U.S. Poverty Rate 1960-2024
    U.S. Poverty Rate - Historical Data
    Year% Under US $5.50 Per DayChange
    60 more rows

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    Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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    Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

    Birthday: 1996-05-16

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    Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

    Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.