HUD76 - Fallout 76 inspired HUD replacer (2024)

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New in version 1.45/1.46:V1.46:
-Container menu is optional in the installer.
- Fixed "$" issue for favorites category in container menu (Translate_en.txt is now included with mod).
-Updated support for ESP Explorer.

New Updated Main Menu replacer (fixes almost all bugs from old one):

HUD76 - Fallout 76 inspired HUD replacer (1)

HUD76 - Fallout 76 inspired HUD replacer (2)

MCM re-skin:

New Container Menu (requires DEF_INV):

HUD76 - Fallout 76 inspired HUD replacer (3)

-Minor tweaks to quick container menu

-Fixed white dot issue near crosshair

-Minor tweaks to HUD++ and Companion Status re-skin

-Some fixes to caps indicator





-Added patch for ESP Explorer

-Added Bottlecap indicator

HUD76 - Fallout 76 inspired HUD replacer (4)

-Added Companion Status re-skin

HUD76 - Fallout 76 inspired HUD replacer (5)

-Added enemy level next to display name

HUD76 - Fallout 76 inspired HUD replacer (6)

-Added player level on XP meter alongside a level up image inspired by FO76

HUD76 - Fallout 76 inspired HUD replacer (7)

-Changed AP bar to be left oriented like in FO76

HUD76 - Fallout 76 inspired HUD replacer (8)

**PLEASE NOTE** About the bottlecap indicator, enemy level and player level additions, they all require ESL files to be installed in your load order for them to work. This means uninstalling this mod with those additions could potentially cause issues in that save. These plugins are completely optional and the HUD mod will work normally if you decide not to install some or any of them.

Version 1.25:



-Fixed MCM menu having a dialogue box stuck at all times.
-Fixed black bars on selected items in crafting menus
-Cleaned up all swf files, none of them should cause any CTDs now

-Added a new look for VATS body part selection to match FO76's style more

HUD76 - Fallout 76 inspired HUD replacer (9)

-Changed the look of the hit indicator to match FO76's style

HUD76 - Fallout 76 inspired HUD replacer (10)

-Changed quest updates, Vault Boy animation positions and quest objective styles

HUD76 - Fallout 76 inspired HUD replacer (11)

HUD76 - Fallout 76 inspired HUD replacer (12)

-Added re-styles of XDI and SSW mods to match this mod's style

HUD76 - Fallout 76 inspired HUD replacer (13)

HUD76 - Fallout 76 inspired HUD replacer (14)

-Added colorless options for those who don't like the orange tint on some things

HUD76 - Fallout 76 inspired HUD replacer (15)

-Added vanilla controller prompt style (hollow) as an option alongside the new font

HUD76 - Fallout 76 inspired HUD replacer (16)

Version 1.2:



Fixed almost all of the issues from version 1.0, also added the following:

1- Animated XP meter:

HUD76 - Fallout 76 inspired HUD replacer (17)

2- Animated RADs icon

HUD76 - Fallout 76 inspired HUD replacer (18)

3- Animated floating quest marker! :D

HUD76 - Fallout 76 inspired HUD replacer (19)

4- New optional main menu replacer for the HUD and sequence

HUD76 - Fallout 76 inspired HUD replacer (20)

What It Does:
Changes how the HUD sprites and fonts look to sort of replicate the one from Fallout 76, also contains a DEF_UI preset to re-position things to match the HUD in that game.Why I Made It:
Well, basically one of the very few things that I actually liked about FO76 was it's HUD. I don't like that game. I like this game. So I made it for this game.

This mod requires HUDFramework by registrator2000, and DEF_UI by valdaciland Neanka, because it alters the HUDMenu.swf from the compatibility patch of those two mods.

How To Install:
1- Download and install HUDFramework
2- DownloadDEF_UIand install it using a mod manager, make sure to select "DEF_HUD" option in the installer.
3- Download and install HUDFramework DEF_UI compatibility patch from the same page as HUDFramework
4- Download this mod and use a mod manager to pick your options
5- Bingo!


How To Uninstall:
If you have any of the ESL plugins installed, please follow the steps below:
1-Open the console in-game and type

stopquest _76HUD_
2-Wait for 10 seconds or so then save your game and quit.
3-Uninstall the mod using your mod manager.

Otherwise, just uninstall from the mod manager, or delete the files from data folder if you know which ones they are.
No harm in installing or uninstalling mid-save if you don't have any ESL plugins installed from this mod.

Should be compatible with most mods, apart from anything that replaces HUDMenu.swf and/or any of the following: MainMenu.swf fonts_en.swf ButtonBarMenu.swf BSButtonHintBar.swf MessageBoxMenu.swf VATSMenu.swf PromptMenu.swf
There are some patches/restyles included in the installer, and I'll add more with the coming updates.

I might add this mod was built on version 1.10.130 of the game, any older or newer versions *might* have some issues, although not necessarily. It can and should run on older or newer versions as many users have reported.
Most updates don't do any changes to the aforementioned files, so no issues should arise.

Nothing major as of now.
The location/ quest name texts are not properly aligned to the center when they have short names ("Concord") for example; I looked everywhere to fix this but with no luck..

Before anyone asks:
Okay, so when I found out I can do stuff like this to the game's HUD I got all excited and wet my pants, however, doing this takes quite a bit of time and effort and is actually very very annoying to deal with a lot of the times.
So yeah, I would gladly cater to everyone's desires and make different HUD replacers of your favorite Hello Kitty or My Little Pony show, but I really wouldn't go through all the trouble to make many different replacers cause this is somewhat daunting.
If I were to make another one sometime in the future, it would most likely be one to replicate FONV's HUD, but don't hold me out on that please, thanks.

Future plans / updates:
More refinement for this mod wherever it's possible.
I'm also thinking of doing a version inspired by New Vegas' HUD, but I don't really know when...

Credits / Permissions:

Original mod creators:
Original HUDMenu.swf was from HUDFramework byregistrator2000(DEF_UI --byvaldacil, Neanka-- compatibility patch), please check out both mods cause they're awesome! :)
Also the Vault Girl VATS content is by bigCman123, and the swf file I used was from Vault Girl FOMOD mod, byAliasNe0, so special thanks to those two legends.
XDI is originally byregistrator2000and Neanka. Thanks to y'all for the dope mods. :)
SSW is originally by Neanka.
Companion Status is originally byregistrator2000.
HUD Plus Plus is originally byKassent.
ESP Explorer is originally bya1a3a6a9.

The main font replacer I used in this mod (Milford) is by Roger White.
Brush Script (used in Bottlecap indicator) is designed byRobert E. Smith. FromAdobe Originals.

I used JPEXs FFDEC free flash decompiler to change and add sprites to the .swf files.
I also used RABCDASM by CyberShadow to disassemble and reassemble .swf scripts for safer issue-free editing.

Feel free to create translations of this mod and publishing them to the Nexus.
Please don't upload this mod to any other website, thanks. :)

Lastly, I would like to address donations, for this mod in particular, I accept no donations whatsoever due to the vast amount of assets I used from other creators. I'm by no means accepting money for any work that I haven't entirely done. But I appreciate all the kind words and file endorsem*nts.

HUD76 - Fallout 76 inspired HUD replacer (2024)
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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

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Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.