How to Make Fennel Tea (Recipe and Guide) (2024)

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Are you looking for a delicious, aromatic, and healthy tea? Look no further than fennel seed tea! Fennel tea is made from the seeds of the fennel plant, which have been used in herbal medicine for centuries. It has a sweet licorice-like flavor that may help to soothe an upset stomach or reduce bloating. While there are several ways to brew fennel tea, in this article, I will share how to make fennel tea from seeds so that you can enjoy its many health benefits!

How to Make Fennel Tea (Recipe and Guide) (1)

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Almost daily, I have been making an evening cup of fennel tea. It all started when I over-purchased some fennel seeds for cooking. Fennel brings so much flavor to dishes, but it also makes an amazing tea. I’m not a big fan of licorice so I wasn’t sure if I would even like the taste, but I was pleasantly surprised with how much I enjoyed it. It wasn’t overpowering and I find myself making a cup each evening. I’m excited to share this simple recipe because it not only tastes amazing but also is very nutritious. I love when that happens!

Table of Contents

DIY Recipes and Brewing Guide

Fennel tea is a popular herbal drink with a wide range of health benefits. It can be made from both the leaves and seeds of fennel, with each providing its own flavor profile.

Fennel tea is known to help with digestion, reduce inflammation, and even promote better sleep. It also has antibacterial and antioxidant properties. Here, I will show you how to make fennel tea from seeds, using a traditional teapot.

How to Make Fennel Tea (Recipe and Guide) (2)

Ingredients and Supplies

Start by gathering the ingredients! For a single 8-ounce serving, you will need 1 teaspoon of fennel seeds, 1 cup of boiling water, and optional honey or sugar for sweetening.

For supplies, this recipe calls for a kettle (or a way to boil your water), a mortar and pestle, teapot, teacup, and a spoon.

Hot Fennel Tea Recipe

  1. Bring water to a boil and pour a bit into your teapot to warm it up. Swirl the water around and discard.
  2. Measure your fennel seeds into a mortar and use the pestle to lightly crush the seeds. (this is optional if you don’t have a mortar and pestle.)
How to Make Fennel Tea (Recipe and Guide) (3)

3. Add fennel seeds to the teapot (use an infuser if desired) and pour hot water over the tea and cover the teapot with a lid.

How to Make Fennel Tea (Recipe and Guide) (4)

4. Allow the tea to steep for 5 -10 minutes.

How to Make Fennel Tea (Recipe and Guide) (5)

5. Strain out tea or remove the infuser if using.

6. Enjoy your tea!

Iced Fennel tea Recipe

Some days just call for iced tea! For making this tea iced, follow the same method as making hot tea, but allow the tea to cool completely before pouring it over ice. Consider using 1/2 teaspoon more fennel to keep from getting a watered-down taste once the ice starts to melt.

Teabags, Loose Leaf, or Powder?

Tea bags are the most convenient and quickest option for making fennel tea. Tea bags are pre-measured and filled with fennel seeds so you don’t have to worry about measuring or cleaning up. All you need to do is place the teabag in a cup, pour hot water over it, and steep it for a few minutes. Be sure not to steep the tea bag for too long, as the flavor can become overly strong.

Loose-leaf fennel tea is more economical and allows for greater control over the strength of your tea. You can also re-steep your tea several times before it loses its flavor. Start with about 1 teaspoon of seeds, then adjust according to taste. Place the seeds in a teapot or strainer and add hot water. Allow it to steep for 5-15 minutes before straining.

Finally, if you want a quicker cup of tea and don’t mind sacrificing flavor and freshness, you can use fennel powder. Fennel powder is processed from dried fennel seeds and has less potent flavors than the fresh or loose-leaf options. To make a cup of tea with fennel powder, simply add 1 teaspoon of powder to a cup, pour hot water over it, and stir.

No matter which option you choose, fennel tea is sure to provide you with some delicious and healthful benefits!

Different Brewing Methods

How to Make Fennel Tea (Recipe and Guide) (6)

Fennel tea is a delicious and flavorful herbal beverage that has been used for centuries in various cultures around the world. It’s known to have many health benefits, including aiding digestion, reducing bloating, and fighting off infections. The most common way to make fennel tea is by steeping fennel seeds in water, but there are a few other methods you can use to get that perfect cup of fennel tea.

Traditional Tea Pot

The traditional teapot method is a great way to make fennel tea that is both flavorful and aromatic. To make it, you will need a teapot, either made from glass or ceramic. See here for a full guide on making tea in a teapot.

  1. Start by bringing water to a boil in a kettle. Use some of the water to warm up your teapot by swirling it around and discarding it.
  2. After your teapot is prepared, add 1 teaspoon of crushed fennel seeds into the pot (or tea bags!)
  3. Pour hot water over the tea and cover it with a lid.
  4. Allow it to steep for about 5-10 minutes
  5. Strain the tea into a cup. Serve it either hot or cold, depending on your preference

Stovetop Method

Another way to make tea is to use the stovetop method.

  1. Bring water to a boil on the stovetop.
  2. Turn off the heat and add in tea. Cover with a lid.
  3. Allow the tea to steep for 5-10 minutes.
  4. Strain the tea into a teacup and enjoy!

Infusion Bottle

The infusion bottle method is another convenient way to make fennel tea from seeds, as it yields a flavorful brew in just minutes. Here’s how to make fennel seed tea with an infusion bottle:

  1. Put the fennel seeds or tea bag in the infusion bottle, then fill it with hot water (about 212°F)
  2. Let the mixture steep for 5 minutes before drinking. (Note: the longer you let it steep, the more intense the flavor will be)
  3. Once it’s steeped, remove the insert and enjoy your freshly brewed fennel tea.

French Press

Making fennel tea using the French press method is a fairly simple, yet delicious way to enjoy this herbal beverage.

  1. First, take 1 teaspoon of fennel seeds and grind them in a mortar and pestle just enough to release the oils. (optional)
  2. Bring one cup of water to a low boil before pouring it into your French press. Add the ground fennel seeds to the boiling water and stir until they are fully mixed.
  3. Let the mixture steep for 5-10 minutes before plunging down your French press.
  4. Once you have pressed down your fennel tea, it is ready to be enjoyed.
  5. For added flavor, you can also add honey or a squeeze of lemon.

Cold Brew

Cold brewing is a simple and convenient method for making fennel tea. It doesn’t require any boiling or simmering and can be done in just minutes!

  1. To make cold brew fennel tea, start by adding 4 teaspoons of roughly ground fennel seeds (you can use a mortar and pestle) to a 1-quart glass mason jar with lid.
  2. Fill the jar with filtered cold water.
  3. Leave the mixture in the fridge for 8-10 hours (I leave mine overnight).
  4. Strain out the fennel seeds.

Tips and Tricks

How to Make Fennel Tea (Recipe and Guide) (7)

Fennel tea is a mild, flavorful herbal infusion made from fennel seed. It has an array of potential health benefits, including helping to reduce inflammation and aid digestion. To make the perfect cup of fennel tea, it is important to consider the different factors that can affect its taste and potency. Here are some tips and tricks to make the best fennel tea:

  1. Start with whole fennel seeds – it is important to use fresh, high-quality organic seeds for the most flavorful cup of tea. Avoid using pre-ground or processed fennel powder if possible as this will result in a less desirable tasting tea.
  2. Use filtered water – to extract the flavor of fennel seeds, it is best to use filtered water. Tap water may contain chemicals and chlorine that can affect the taste of the tea.
  3. Boil your water using an electric kettle to get a more accurate temperature. Herbal teas should be brewed with water at 212°F.
  4. Steep for 5-15 minutes – depending on how strong you like your tea, steep for between 5 and 15 minutes before straining the seeds from the liquid.
  5. Add sweetener or other ingredients (optional) – if desired, you can add a sweetener such as honey or sugar, a splash of lemon juice, or other herbs and spices to your cup of fennel tea.

What is Fennel tea?

Fennel tea is a delicious herbal tea infusion that has been enjoyed for centuries by cultures around the world. It is made from fennel seeds, which have a sweet and spicy flavor. Fennel seeds are rich in essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, making them an ideal brew for those looking to improve their health. It can be made using either fennel seeds, teabags, loose seeds, or powder. Not only does Fennel tea have numerous health benefits, but it is also simple to make!

History and Origins

This flavorful herb has been used in cooking and traditional medicine around the world since ancient times and it remains a popular herbal remedy in many cultures today. Fennel tea has been used medicinally, with the earliest known records of its use dating back to the Ancient Egyptians, who brewed fennel tea as far back as 1500 BC. The Greeks also prized fennel for its medicinal properties.

Flavor, Fragrance, and Color

Fennel tea has a unique taste that is both sweet and slightly bitter. This combination creates a unique flavor that is both refreshing and flavorful, while also visually appealing, and fragrant.

What does Fennel tea Taste Like?

Fennel tea flavor tastes very similar to licorice. It is light, fragrant, and slightly savory.

What does Fennel tea Smell Like?

Fennel tea has a distinct, aromatic smell that is both sweet and slightly woody. It’s often described as having a licorice-like scent. When brewed, the warm steam from the tea carries these aromatic qualities around the room.

What does Fennel tea Look Like?

Fennel tea has a light-color quality, with a pale golden hue. It can range from yellow to light green.

Health Benefits and Risks of Fennel tea

Fennel tea is a popular herbal beverage with many health benefits, but some risks are associated with its consumption.

Caffeine Content

Fennel seeds are caffeine free, so if you’re looking for a natural and relaxing tea, this is a perfect choice. Fennel tea is a wholesome beverage with a licorice-like flavor that is packed with possible health benefits. Although the other parts of the fennel plant can be steeped in boiling water to make tea, it is most commonly brewed using the seeds of the plant.

Benefits and Risks

Fennel tea is a popular herbal remedy that contains many health benefits. It is known to possibly help reduce inflammation, soothe the digestive system, aid in weight loss, and act as a mild diuretic. Drinking fennel tea can help combat conditions such as heartburn, bloating, flatulence, constipation, and indigestion.

Fennel tea is a popular herbal beverage made from the seeds of the fennel plant, which has been used in cooking and traditional medicine for centuries. While it can offer many benefits, there are some potential risks associated with drinking fennel tea. It is important to understand these before incorporating this beverage into your diet. As with any changes to your wellness routine, it is best to consult with your trusted medical professional before doing so.

Storage and Shelf Life

To ensure that your fennel tea stays fresh for as long as possible, proper storage and shelf life must be taken into consideration. When stored and handled properly, it can have a shelf life of up to a year or more. Store it in an air-tight container, in a cool, dry place.

For the best experience, consume your tea on the day it is brewed. However, if you are storing it for later, I recommend keeping it in the refrigerator and consuming it within 5 days.


How to make Fennel tea Taste Better?

Fennel tea has a distinct, licorice-like flavor that can be enhanced by adding certain ingredients.

Adding spices like cinnamon, cloves, or cardamom to your fennel tea can enhance its flavor and aroma. You can also make your tea more fragrant by adding herbs like rosemary or thyme. For a sweet kick, try adding honey or agave syrup to your cup of tea.

For an extra special touch, add a few drops of lemon juice or fresh ginger slices to your tea. This will help to bring out the flavor of the fennel and make for a pleasant taste experience.

When to Drink Fennel tea?

Fennel tea can be enjoyed hot or cold, so it’s perfect for any time of day. If you’re looking to reap the full benefits of this healing drink, then there are certain times that are best to drink fennel tea.

How to make Fennel tea for Weight Loss?

Fennel tea is a popular herbal beverage with numerous health benefits, including promoting possible weight loss. It may also help to detoxify your system, flush out toxins from your body, and regulate your blood sugar levels.

Why You’ll Love Fennel tea!

Making fennel tea is an easy and rewarding process. This fennel seed tea recipe has a unique flavor and provides many health benefits. With just a few simple steps you can make your own delicious cup of fennel tea from the comfort of your home!

More Tea Recipes You Will Love!

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I hope you enjoy this healthful herbal fennel tea with milk recipe. Leave a comment below and let’s connect!

How to Make Fennel Tea (Recipe and Guide) (8)
How to Make Fennel Tea (Recipe and Guide) (9)
How to Make Fennel Tea (Recipe and Guide) (10)

Fennel Seed Tea Recipe

Yield: 1 Serving

Prep Time: 2 minutes

Cook Time: 5 minutes

Additional Time: 2 minutes

Total Time: 2 minutes

A nutritious caffeine-free tea recipe that tastes delicious!


  • 1 Teaspoon Fennel Seeds
  • 1 Cup Water
  • Lemon Slices (optional)
  • Honey (optional)


  1. Bring water to a boil and pour a bit into your teapot to warm it up. Swirl the water around and discard.
  2. Measure your fennel seeds into a mortar and use the pestle to lightly crush the seeds. (this is optional if you don’t have a mortar and pestle.)
  3. Add fennel seeds to the teapot (use an infuser if desired) and pour hot water over the tea and cover the teapot with a lid.
  4. Allow the tea to steep for 5 -10 minutes.
  5. Strain out tea or remove the infuser if using.
  6. Enjoy your tea!


  • Use fresh, high-quality organic seeds for the most flavorful cup of tea. Avoid using pre-ground or processed fennel powder as this will result in a weaker tea.
  • Use filtered water.
  • Boil your water using the stovetop or an electric kettle.
  • Steep for 5-15 minutes – depending on how strong you like your tea, steep for between 5 and 15 minutes before straining the seeds from the liquid.
  • Add sweetener or other ingredients (optional) – if desired, you can add a sweetener such as honey or sugar, a splash of lemon juice, or other herbs and spices to your cup of fennel tea.
  • Recommended Products

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    Nutrition Information

    Yield 1Serving Size 1
    Amount Per ServingCalories 7Total Fat 0gSaturated Fat 0gTrans Fat 0gUnsaturated Fat 0gCholesterol 0mgSodium 11mgCarbohydrates 1gFiber 1gSugar 0gProtein 0g

    This website provides approximate nutrition information for convenience and as a courtesy only. Nutrition is calculated by Nutronionix.

    How to Make Fennel Tea (Recipe and Guide) (2024)


    How much fennel for fennel tea? ›

    It's easy to make your own fennel tea at home. For the simplest approach: Take one teaspoon of fennel seeds and add it to two cups of boiling water. Allow the seeds to steep for a few minutes before drinking.

    Is it OK to drink fennel tea everyday? ›

    There is no recommended daily limit established for how much fennel tea is safe to drink. Since fennel tea affects digestion, start with one cup at a time and see how your body reacts to drinking it.

    How do you use fennel leaves for tea? ›

    Fennel tea

    Use 0.1 oz of leaf per 5.5 fl oz of water (1g per 150ml). For the optimum infusion use 212°F (100°C) water.

    When should you not drink fennel tea? ›

    Some studies have found that fennel has an estrogenic effect, which means that it mimics the effects of estrogen. Pregnant and breast-feeding women should not drink fennel tea. People with cancers that are sensitive to estrogen should also avoid the use of fennel.

    Who should not drink fennel seed water? ›

    Pregnancy: Fennel is possibly unsafe to use when pregnant. Regularly using fennel has been linked to preterm birth. Breast-feeding: Fennel is possibly unsafe. There are some reports of breast-feeding infants with damage to their nervous systems after they were exposed to herbal tea containing fennel through breastmilk.

    Is it better to drink fennel tea in the morning or at night? ›

    So, read on and try out more reasons to try this tea at home. Drinking Fennel tea in the morning can help in naturally detoxifying the body and helps reduce bloating, indigestion, gas, and promotes a healthy digestive system right from the start of the day.

    What are the side effects of fennel tea? ›

    Side effects of Fennel include:
    • difficulty breathing.
    • tightness of chest/throat.
    • chest pain.
    • nausea.
    • vomiting.
    • hives.
    • rash.
    • itchy or swollen skin.

    Is fennel tea a laxative? ›

    Fennel. Fennel is a traditional folk remedy for digestive symptoms, including gas, bloating, and constipation. A small 2022 study of 50 older adults found that those who drank tea containing fennel and rose had improved constipation symptoms after 4 weeks.

    Does fennel reduce belly fat? ›

    Fennel seeds alone are unlikely to directly reduce belly fat. However, they can be a part of a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle, potentially aiding in weight management by promoting digestion and curbing appetite, which may indirectly contribute to reducing belly fat over time.

    Does fennel tea make you sleepy? ›

    Drinking fennel tea before sleeping helps in secretion of Melatonin, which helps in relaxing the nervous system and induces sleep. A healthy sound sleep also helps in improving metabolism and accelerates the process of weight loss.

    Does fennel detox the liver? ›

    Fennel has a long list of benefits far beyond just aiding the liver. With a delicious anise-like flavor, fennel is easy to incorporate into teas and salads to help increase urine flow and protect the liver from alcohol damage. A potent blood cleanser, fennel may also improve kidney function and prevent kidney stones.

    What is the best way to take fennel? ›

    Consuming fennel seeds with water is a commonly known practice that is mostly done to ease stomach cramps and improve digestion. Take a handful of fennel seeds and soak them in a glass full of water. Let it rest overnight and drink it in the morning.

    What pairs well with fennel tea? ›

    Give your fennel seed tea a boost with ginger and lemon! Ginger and lemon are both healthful and flavorful additions to teas. The flavors of fennel seeds, ginger, and lemon blend perfectly, delivering a bold taste. To complement the licorice flavor of fennel seeds, try adding a touch of sweetener.

    Should we drink fennel water hot or cold? ›

    Good for digestion

    Fennel tea water is a great way to reap its benefits. It will help in soothing your muscles and provide relief from constipation, bloating, and gas. You can have fennel water both hot and cold, as per your preference.

    Is it OK to boil fennel seeds? ›

    Boiling: Take a tablespoon of fennel seeds and add them to a pot of water (about 2 cups). Bring the water to a boil and let it simmer for 5-10 minutes. Remove from heat, strain the water, and let it cool down. Drink it in the morning on an empty stomach.

    What is the best way to consume fennel seeds? ›

    You can have roasted fennel seed powder with warm water on an empty stomach to get better results. By helping your stay full for longer (due to high fibre), fennel seeds are also considered appetite suppressants. This may also improve your weight loss goals and make it easier to avoid overeating.

    How do you harvest fennel seeds for tea? ›

    Clip off entire flower stalks and put them, seed-side down, into a paper or cloth bag. Hang the bag in a cool, dry location for a couple of weeks until the seed-heads dry out completely. The seeds can then be fully removed by shaking the stalks inside the bag or by rubbing the seeds from the stalks over a cloth.

    What part of fennel is used for tea? ›

    If you've ever chewed on fennel seeds, you'll notice a distinct licorice or anise taste. The seeds, as well as the oil made from the seeds of the fennel plant, have exceptional medicinal properties and can also be used to make a potent herbal tea. Brewing fennel tea is simple: boil crushed fennel seeds in hot water.

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