9 Roasted Pumpkin Seed Recipes (2024)

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  • Pumpkin Seeds

Roasted pumpkin seeds don't need more than salt and pepper, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't celebrate the season with one (or more!) of these nine unique flavor combinations.


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Updated October 17, 2019

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9 Roasted Pumpkin Seed Recipes (1)

Some of us wait all year for an excuse to carve pumpkins into elaborate works of art. Others might be better categorized as reluctant bystanders. But no matter what camp you fall into, there's one thing that should be universally enjoyed: the pumpkin's heaping mass of seeds that, when properly prepared, make a crisp, golden-brown, delightfully salty snack.

You can read our step-by-step recipe for basic roasted pumpkin seeds to start, but the main thing you need to know is that your seeds should be as dry as possible and coated in oil or some other fat to ensure they cook evenly. While you certainly don't need more than salt and pepper to finish them off, pumpkin seeds can be elevated by a remarkably wide range of sweet and savory seasonings—think Thai chili and lemongrass, Spanish chorizo and smoked paprika, or brown butter and sage. Here are nine unique flavor combos to spice up the season.

  • Roasted Pumpkin Seeds With Ginger and Orange Zest

    9 Roasted Pumpkin Seed Recipes (2)

    This quick and flavorful variation brings together warm, spicy ginger with bright orange zest. We mix the two with oil and toss in our seeds. After roasting, it's all topped off with some zesty minced chives for some added punch.

    Get the recipe for Roasted Pumpkin Seeds With Ginger and Orange Zest

  • Roasted Pumpkin Seeds With Anchovy Bread Crumbs

    9 Roasted Pumpkin Seed Recipes (3)

    Ah, the almighty anchovy. Feared by many yet beloved by all (as long as the haters don't know it's in there). Sauté minced anchovies with garlic and fresh bread crumbs in loads of butter, toss with your pumpkins seeds, and your guests will be none the wiser. Why are these seeds so salty and delicious? Just tell them it's a secret ingredient.

    Get the recipe for Roasted Pumpkin Seeds With Anchovy Bread Crumbs

  • Roasted Pumpkin Seeds With Curry and Mint

    9 Roasted Pumpkin Seed Recipes (4)

    Warming, savory curry powder pairs perfectly with crunchy roasted pumpkin seeds, and the additions of mint and fresh-squeezed lime juice bring some extra brightness and acidity to the party. As with any delicious snack, licking your fingers when eating these is perfectly acceptable.

    Get the recipe for Roasted Pumpkin Seeds With Curry and Mint

  • Roasted Pumpkin Seeds With Chorizo and Smoked Paprika

    9 Roasted Pumpkin Seed Recipes (5)

    When hasn't adding some deliciously fatty pork to your plate improved a recipe? Here, we sauté chorizo until it's nice and crispy and then toss the seeds in a mixture of its rendered fat and some smoky-sweet paprika. Serve the seeds with the crisped slices of chorizo and some chopped parsley for a sophisticated Spanish-inspired snack.

    Get the recipe for Roasted Pumpkin Seeds With Chorizo and Smoked Paprika

    Continue to 5 of 9 below.

  • Soy-Glazed Roasted Pumpkin Seeds With Furikake

    9 Roasted Pumpkin Seed Recipes (6)

    Behold the newest snack you won't be able to stop eating. These pumpkin seeds will satisfy your sweet, salty, and spicy hankerings, thanks to soy sauce, honey, and a pinch of cayenne pepper. The addition of furikake, a Japanese seasoning mix of dried fish, sesame seeds, and chopped seaweed, makes the seeds all the more appealing. Bring 'em to a Halloween party, and no one will touch the Chex Mix.

    Get the recipe for Soy-Glazed Roasted Pumpkin Seeds With Furikake

  • Roasted Pumpkin Seeds With Lemongrass, Chili, and Toasted Coconut

    9 Roasted Pumpkin Seed Recipes (7)

    Sweet, salty, sour, and spicy, these Thai-inspired pumpkin seeds punch up aromatic lemongrass with honey, fish sauce, garlic, and lime juice. Toasted coconut flakes add complex nutty sweetness, and a sprinkle of cilantro brightens it all up.

    Get the recipe for Roasted Pumpkin Seeds With Lemongrass, Chili, and Toasted Coconut

  • Roasted Pumpkin Seeds With Brown Butter and Sage

    9 Roasted Pumpkin Seed Recipes (8)

    Sage and brown butter is a classic fall combination. It's nutty, woodsy, and smells just like Thanksgiving. Now you can impart that flavor to your pumpkin seeds by roasting them in sage-infused brown butter. A squeeze of lemon juice keeps the buttery richness in check.

    Get the recipe for Roasted Pumpkin Seeds With Brown Butter and Sage

  • Roasted Pumpkin Seeds With Garlic and Parmesan

    9 Roasted Pumpkin Seed Recipes (9)

    We love garlic and Parmesan atop our pasta, pizza, and...pretty much any carb. But have you tried the combo on pumpkin seeds? We roast our seeds in butter with garlic and red pepper flakes and then top the mix off with a flurry of grated Parmesan. All the flavor of a simple Italian dinner, in an easy snackable format.

    Get the recipe for Roasted Pumpkin Seeds With Garlic and Parmesan

    Continue to 9 of 9 below.

  • Roasted Pumpkin Seeds With Honey Mustard and Thyme

    9 Roasted Pumpkin Seed Recipes (10)

    Consider this recipe your pantry-dump pumpkin seeds. All you need is honey, Dijon mustard, and oil, which we all (hopefully) have plenty of. Fresh thyme leaves give the mix an aromatic, herbal boost.

    Get the recipe for Roasted Pumpkin Seeds With Honey Mustard and Thyme

  • Pumpkin Seeds
  • Roasting
9 Roasted Pumpkin Seed Recipes (2024)


How much pumpkin seeds should I eat daily for prostate? ›

Recommended daily dose of pumpkin seeds in certain conditions are as follows: Benign prostatic hyperplasia: It is recommended that you take 5 g of pumpkin seeds twice daily or one to two tablets or capsules of pumpkin seed oil or extract products daily.

How many pumpkin seeds should I eat daily? ›

The small oval-shaped pumpkin seeds also referred to as pepitas are a powerhouse of nutrients. Rich in magnesium, iron and fibre, the seeds make for a healthy and crunchy snack. The American Heart Association recommends having a quarter cup (30 grams) of pumpkin seeds every day as a part of a healthy diet.

Are you supposed to soak pumpkin seeds before roasting? ›

Some people soak pumpkin seeds before roasting them—they say it helps make the seeds extra crispy. But our Test Kitchen found that soaking the seeds didn't make much of a difference when it came to crispiness. If you do soak your seeds, though, be sure to dry them thoroughly before roasting.

Are you supposed to eat the whole roasted pumpkin seeds? ›

The bottom line

Pumpkin seed shells are safe to eat and provide more fiber than green, shelled pumpkin seeds. However, people with digestive conditions may want to avoid whole seeds, as their high fiber content can trigger symptoms like pain and diarrhea.

How long does pumpkin seed take to shrink prostate? ›

If you choose to eat pumpkin seeds for prostate health, you may see benefits within a few weeks, but there are no guarantees. Results will depend on your health situation, how often you eat the seeds, and the quality of the seeds.

What is the number one food for the prostate? ›

Cruciferous vegetables.

Bok choy, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage and kale are high in essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to help reduce inflammation and maintain a healthy prostate. These vegetables also contain phytochemicals that are known to prevent the growth of cancer cells.

What is the best way to eat pumpkin seeds for health benefits? ›

You can eat them raw, or, toss with about a tablespoon of olive oil, spread them out on a cookie sheet, and bake in a 300 F oven for 30-40 minutes. Roasting the seeds makes them easier to digest, increases their antioxidant levels, and makes them even more delicious.

What is the healthiest way to eat pumpkin seeds? ›

A common practice is to add light spices and roast the seeds on a cookie sheet on the top rack of the oven for 15 to 20 minutes at 350 degrees. Eating the shells only adds to the seeds' high fiber content, which has been associated with a reduced risk of heart disease and obesity.

When should I eat pumpkin seeds morning or night? ›

While pumpkin seeds can be consumed at any time of the day, there are certain times when they can be especially beneficial. Morning: Eating pumpkin seeds in the morning can provide your body with the necessary energy to kickstart your day.

Why do you soak pumpkin seeds in salt water? ›

After cleaning your fresh pumpkin seeds, soak them in a bowl of water with one tablespoon of salt overnight at room temperature. This process will help soften the seeds making them easier to digest.

Why boil pumpkin seeds before baking? ›

Should You Boil Pumpkin Seeds Before Roasting? Although you don't have to boil the pumpkin seeds before roasting, we recommend it. Boiling pumpkin seeds in salted water helps the salt to permeate the seeds inside the shells and helps them to cook more evenly.

Can you leave pumpkin seeds out overnight before roasting? ›

Note: If you left your seeds out to dry overnight after you've soaked/dried them, they'll roast faster, so keep an eye on them. Tossing every 5 minutes allows us to do that. They'll also roast faster if you have smaller seeds, or fewer seeds on your baking sheet than pictured here, with more room in between them.

Which is healthier raw or roasted pumpkin seeds? ›

Pumpkin seeds can be raw or roasted. In addition to bringing to life the flavors, aroma and texture, roasting also increases the amounts of antioxidants available. It also makes them easier to digest! Raise your hand if you're all-in on healthy fats!

How do you roast pumpkin seeds to eat? ›

Place your rinsed and dried pumpkin seeds on the prepared baking sheet. Add the oil, sweetener (if using) and salt. Stir until all of the seeds are coated, then spread them in an even layer across the baking sheet. Bake for 12 to 16 minutes, stirring every 5 minutes, until the seeds are fragrant and turning golden.

How do you eat pumpkin seeds after roasting? ›

By the handful! You can also add them to fall salads, top a bowl of soup with them, sprinkle some over a loaf of pumpkin bread before it goes in the oven, or add them to homemade granola. Roasted pumpkin seeds can go in a variety of dishes, anytime you need a little crunch.

How do you eat pumpkin seeds for prostate enlargement? ›

The best way to enjoy pumpkin seeds is to remove the shells and eat them plain as a snack. You can also add them to cereal, oatmeal, yoghurts, our use them to garnish soups and salads. A handful everyday is recommended to help ease BPH symptoms.

How do you use pumpkin seeds for prostate enlargement? ›

Normal prostate function relies on optimal zinc levels. For this reason, a handful of pumpkin seeds a 2-3 times a week can improve your prostate health. They may limit prostate enlargement. Pumpkin seeds contain phytosterol, which is a protective compound that may be responsible for reducing prostate enlargement.

How do you prepare pumpkin seeds for prostate? ›

There isn't a standard recommended dosage of pumpkin seeds to treat prostatitis. And besides eating them, one can cook them. Place them on a cookie sheet and roast them in the oven for about 20 minutes at 170°F (77°C). But pumpkin seeds are high in fiber, so eating large amounts may cause gas or bloat.

What is the best time to eat pumpkin seeds? ›

Optimal times to eat pumpkin seeds are during the day as a snack or added to meals for nutritional benefits. A moderate daily intake, around a small handful (1-2 ounces), can contribute essential nutrients like magnesium; however, it's crucial not to exceed recommended portions for a balanced diet.

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