16 Australia Day Recipes For An Epic Aussie-Inspired Menu (2024)

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Plan the ultimate Australia Day menu with these Aussie-inspired Australia Day recipes essential for celebrating in style. From traditional Australian classics for entertaining to simple dishes to take a plate for celebrating on the go.

These Australia Day food ideas are simple options so you can focus on spending time with friends and family, rather than on a fancy menu!

16 Australia Day Recipes For An Epic Aussie-Inspired Menu (1)

How To Plan Your Australia Day Menu

Putting together Australia Day recipes for your celebrations depends on how you are spending your day.

Are you planning a big Aussie Day party with friends? Or enjoying a quiet celebration at home with the family?

All of these Aussie Day recipes are great for either!

Have a little variety in your menu to suit different tastes and dietary requirements.

And of course, make sure you have enough food to cater to the number of guests you will have on the day. The last thing you want is for someone to go hungry.

16 Australia Day Recipes For An Epic Aussie-Inspired Menu (2)

Traditional Australian Food

Some would argue that Australia does not have their own traditional cuisine like most other countries and regions are known for. In many ways, perhaps not, however we do have our favourites that have become iconically Australian.

And this goes beyond the love it or hate it breakfast spread, Vegemite!

Whether it’s the simple meat pie with tomato sauce or lamb cutlets on the BBQ, we sure do love our food that is easy to eat outdoors.

In some ways, Australia has adopted a fusion of flavours from other parts of the world and made them our own.

Australia Day Dessert Recipes

Every Australia Day menu needs dessert so we are kicking off with some Aussie favourites for your dessert menu line up!

Sure, you could just slap some butter on fresh bread and add hundreds and thousands for that Aussie kids favourite – fairy bread, but these recipes are are far more delicious!


16 Australia Day Recipes For An Epic Aussie-Inspired Menu (3)

Pavlova is a national dessert claimed by New Zealand and Australia both, and regardless of the origins, it wouldn’t be Australia Day without it! This is an easy 4 ingredient pavlova recipe that everyone will love.


16 Australia Day Recipes For An Epic Aussie-Inspired Menu (4)

The soft chocolate-dipped sponge, coated in coconut make lamingtons a fan-favourite for Australia Day celebrations. Enjoy them as they are or my personal favourite, cut them in half and add whipped cream!

ANZAC Biscuits

16 Australia Day Recipes For An Epic Aussie-Inspired Menu (5)

ANZAC biscuits are an Australian tradition for ANZAC Day every April, however, they are also a perfect option for your Australia Day get together! This recipe will give you tips for making either crunchy or chewy biscuits so you can make them the way you love them!

Lemon Slice

16 Australia Day Recipes For An Epic Aussie-Inspired Menu (6)

Slices are a favourite Aussie sweet treat for any occasion, and great for a party. These lemon coconut no-bake bars are a classic – easy, sweet-tart and delicious.

ANZAC Apple Pie

16 Australia Day Recipes For An Epic Aussie-Inspired Menu (7)

Combine two Aussie favourites – ANZAC biscuits and apple pie for this delicious dessert ideaANZAC apple pie. Serve with cream or ice cream.

Weetbix Choc Chip Cookies

16 Australia Day Recipes For An Epic Aussie-Inspired Menu (8)

These Weetbix Choc Chip Cookies are easy to make with one of Australia’s favourite breakfast cereals – Weet-bix! They are also great for lunchboxes!

Australia Day BBQ Ideas

There is nothing more Australian than firing up the BBQ and enjoying some outdoor cooking during the summer and a BBQ is a popular choice for Australia Day too.

Here are some recipes that would work well on the BBQ:

Pesto Lamb Prosciutto Cutlets

16 Australia Day Recipes For An Epic Aussie-Inspired Menu (9)

Lamb is an Australia Day essential and these pesto lamb prosciutto cutlets have just 3 ingredients for a simple and delicious lamb feature on your menu.

Chicken Rissoles

16 Australia Day Recipes For An Epic Aussie-Inspired Menu (10)

Chicken Rissoles are Australia’s answer to USA’s chicken patties. What makes these rissoles special is the use of juicy chicken thighs, mixed in with grated carrots and zucchini. A healthy recipe!

Beetroot Beef Burgers

16 Australia Day Recipes For An Epic Aussie-Inspired Menu (11)

Beetroot is an Aussie favourite and with hidden veggie in these beetroot beef burgers, adding an extra burst of flavour to your BBQ menu.

Grilled Beef & Bacon Burgers

16 Australia Day Recipes For An Epic Aussie-Inspired Menu (12)

There’s no doubt Australia’s love burgers and these grilled beef and bacon burgers are simple and delicious on the BBQ.

Salad Recipes

Salads are the ideal accompaniment for your Australia Day menu, with fresh ingredients perfect for a summer get-together with friends.

Old-Fashioned Egg Salad

16 Australia Day Recipes For An Epic Aussie-Inspired Menu (13)

This old-fashioned potato salad recipe has a creamy homemade dressing and is a perfect addition to summer BBQs, picnics and celebrations! Loaded with fresh herbs, eggs and crispy pancetta, this is a zesty side dish everyone will love.

Walnut Pear & Rocket Salad

16 Australia Day Recipes For An Epic Aussie-Inspired Menu (14)

This Walnut, Parmesan, Pear and Rocket Salad recipe is drizzled with balsamic vinegar with sweet, nutty flavours and crunch. It is the perfect summer salad ready in less than 10 minutes.

Avocado Egg Salad

16 Australia Day Recipes For An Epic Aussie-Inspired Menu (15)

You can’t get much easier than this egg salad recipe. A quick one to throw together as a complimentary side dish to your main menu items, with the subtle extra flavour of avocado.

Australia Day Finger Food Ideas

Whether entertaining for friends or enjoying a quiet Australia Day at home, these savoury recipes are perfect for lunch or dinner and feeding a crowd.

Sausage Rolls

16 Australia Day Recipes For An Epic Aussie-Inspired Menu (16)

Sausage Rolls are an Aussie classic, and these easy homemade ones are sure to become a family favourite. Using a few pre-made ingredients means that a batch can be ready in no time at all!

Bacon & Cheese Cobb Loaf

16 Australia Day Recipes For An Epic Aussie-Inspired Menu (17)

Cobb loaf is a grazing table favourite and this bacon and cheese cobb loaf will be a popular appetiser for your day.

Cheesy Vegemite Scrolls

16 Australia Day Recipes For An Epic Aussie-Inspired Menu (18)

Australia’s love Vegemite, even if the rest of the world can’t quite get behind it! And these cheesy Vegemite scrolls have just 4 ingredients!

The Easiest Australia Day Party Food

If you’ve checked out all these yummy Aussie inspired recipes and would rather keep it as simple as can be, here are some other ideas:

  • Party pies & sausage rolls platter – Get a party pack from the supermarket if you don’t want to make them yourself, heat them in the oven then put on a platter with tomato and BBQ sauce.
  • Sausage sizzle – Grab a heap of sausages to cook up on the BBQ, fry up some onion and have everyone make their own sausage on bread, Bunnings style!
  • Grazing platter – It doesn’t have to be exclusively Australian flavours, but a grazing platter or charcuterie board is perfect for entertaining with a variety of cold meats, cheeses, crackers, fruit and nuts.

For more Australian traditions, check out these favourite Australian children’s books.

Need more party food ideas? Check these out:

  • Side dishes for pulled pork
  • Side dishes for tacos
  • Leftover pulled pork ideas
  • Side dishes for soup
  • Leftover ham recipes
  • Bring a plate party food ideas
  • Side dishes for chicken wings
  • Side dishes for pizza
  • Fish and seafood side dishes
  • Leftover turkey recipes
  • Leftover rotisserie chicken ideas
  • Side dishes for ham
  • New Years Eve appetisers
  • Lunch party food ideas
16 Australia Day Recipes For An Epic Aussie-Inspired Menu (19)
16 Australia Day Recipes For An Epic Aussie-Inspired Menu (2024)


What is a classic Aussie meal? ›

From Mum's shepherd's pie to creamy garlic prawns to hearty beef rissoles, nothing says classic Aussie dinners quite like these.

What is the daily food of Australia? ›

Australian Eating Habits

Australians tend to eat three meals a day: Breakfast – eaten in the morning is either light and cold (cereal, toast, coffee) or heavy and hot (bacon, eggs, sausages, fried tomato) Lunch – eaten around 12 – 2 pm is usually a light meal such as a sandwich, or salad.

What are 3 traditional foods in Australia? ›

31 Iconic Australian foods You Must Try On Your Next Visit
  • Vegemite Toast. Whether it's love at first bite or a taste that takes some getting used to, Vegemite toast is an iconic part of Aussie foods and Australian cuisine. ...
  • Meat Pies. ...
  • Tim Tams. ...
  • Fairy Bread. ...
  • Barramundi. ...
  • Chicken Parmigiana. ...
  • Pavlova. ...
  • Witchetty Grubs.
Oct 12, 2023

What is Australia national dish? ›

Roast lamb has been declared Australia's national dish in a major poll that shows we're still a country of meat eaters at heart. The poll, held on News Ltd websites across all mainland capitals, attracted more than 24,000 votes.

What food can you only get in Australia? ›

Non-Aussies rank our nation's weirdest foods (and they aren't holding back)
  • Fairy bread. ...
  • Chiko roll. ...
  • Stickjaw toffees. ...
  • Frog in a pond. ...
  • Spider. ...
  • Musk sticks. ...
  • Golden Gaytimes. ...
  • Sausage sizzle.
Oct 15, 2020

What do aussies eat at home? ›

  • 1Australia's favourite zucchini slice recipe (with video) ...
  • 2Classic shepherd's pie recipe. ...
  • 3Easy fried rice recipe. ...
  • 4Beef stroganoff. ...
  • 5Curried sausages recipe. ...
  • 6Our favourite lasagne recipe. ...
  • 7Our favourite spaghetti carbonara recipe. ...
  • 8Pea & ham soup.

What is Australia's most loved food? ›

What is Australia's most popular food? Chicken parmigiana and Barbecued snags are some of the most popular dishes in Australia.

What do Australians call candy? ›

Lolly, in Australian and New Zealand English, a piece of what is called candy in American English or sweets in British English.

What do aussies eat for lunch? ›

Here are the most-clicked on, most-cooked, most-loved recipes from the last few months.
  • 1Best-ever homemade sausage rolls recipe. ...
  • 2Impossible quiche recipe. ...
  • 3Pad Thai. ...
  • 4Spinach and feta gozleme. ...
  • 5Salmon patties. ...
  • 6Classic caesar salad. ...
  • 7Cheesy bacon and veggie rice slice. ...
  • 8Easy pumpkin soup recipe.

What do you have for lunch on Australia Day? ›

Australia Day!
  • Thai Turmeric Chicken.
  • Melting Moments.
  • Moroccan lamb backstrap.
  • Baked Buffalo Wings – ULTRA CRISPY!!
  • Mini Pavlovas.
  • Chicken Shawarma (Middle Eastern)
  • Greek Butterflied Lamb Leg.
  • Doner Kebab Meat – beef or lamb.

What foods do you celebrate Indigenous Peoples day with? ›

Some Indigenous foods that you may recognize include tomatoes, many varieties of squash, potatoes, corn, beans, cacao, a myriad of berries and nuts, and more. Traditional Native cuisine also includes meats such as buffalo, moose, elk, bear, deer, seal, whale, lobster, and more.

What is a traditional Aboriginal meal? ›

Aboriginal people ate a large variety of plant foods such as fruits, nuts, roots, vegetables, grasses and seeds, as well as different meats such as kangaroos, 'porcupine'7, emus, possums, goannas, turtles, shellfish and fish.

What is the culture of Australia Day? ›

On Australia Day we celebrate all the things we love about Australia: land, sense of fair go, lifestyle, democracy, the freedoms we enjoy but particularly our people. Australia Day is about acknowledging the contribution every Australian makes to our contemporary and dynamic nation.

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Name: Ray Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.