100 Vocabulary Words with Meaning and Sentences: Enrich and Enhance Your English (2024)

100 Vocabulary Words with Meaning and Sentences: Enrich and Enhance Your English (1)




Amiksha Kantam

10 Min Read

100 Vocabulary Words with Meaning and Sentences: Enrich and Enhance Your English (2)

Mastering a new language is not easy because there are numerous challenges to overcome while learning and comprehending the language. These difficulties are exacerbated when the language in question is as important as English. One of the many challenges is remembering the vocabulary words with meaning and sentence.

Do many newcomers have trouble remembering English words? Well, memorizing new words is a significant challenge in learning a new language, but it is not insurmountable.

Here are 100 vocabulary words, which will enhance your English language skills.

100 Vocabulary Words with Meaning and Sentences

Many people have a firm grasp on English grammar and even make it a point to learn new words every day, but when it comes to actually using those new words, they fall short. Is it similar in sound? If you react yes, you’ve arrived at the right place.

Reading is widely recommended as the most effective way to increase vocabulary. While immersed in a science fiction story or a romantic work of art, it broadens your exposure to different styles and sentence structures.

Vocabulary Words with Meaning and Sentence

Set One

#Competence (Noun): capability

  • Similar Word: ability, proficiency
  • Reverse: bluntness, dullness
  • Usage: My competence in work has made me reach great heights.

#Compendium (Noun): summary

  • Similar Word: digest, compilation
  • Reverse: extension, enlargement
  • Usage: He has neatly and clearly compended his novel in less than 500 words.

#Compassion (Noun): pity

  • Similar Word: tenderness, gentleness
  • Reverse: antipathy, ruthlessness
  • Usage: People with too much ego don’t show any compassion.

Set Two

#Libidinous (Adjective): lustful

  • Word: sensual, lascivious
  • Reverse: moral, decent
  • Usage: Teenagers are becoming more libidinous nowadays.

#Ravelry (Noun): merrymaking

  • Word: festivity, celebration
  • Reverse: mourning, sadness
  • Usage: Ganesh Chaturthi is the best ravelry celebrated among Hindus.

#Ruse (Noun): trick, deception

  • Word: gimmick, a ploy
  • Reverse: honesty, openness
  • Usage: Sam had ruse Mika and also robbed money from her.

Set Three

#Simpleton (Noun): fool

  • Word: buffoon, jerk
  • Reverse: brain, genius
  • b: She is a simpleton, but has a lot of egos.

#Clannish (Adjective): exclusive

  • Word: selected, reserved
  • Reverse: welcoming, open
  • Usage: Nowadays clannish dresses have become a new trend.

#Satanic (Adjective): demonic

  • Word: cruel, maniacal
  • Reverse: angelic, good
  • Sentence: It is said that bad deeds always leave a satanic effect.

Set Four

#Titular (Adjective): having a title

  • Word: nominal, so-called
  • Reverse: actual, real
  • Sentence: He had always refused to be titular but, he achieved many because of his personality.

#Speckle (Adjective): dotted

  • Word: flecked, mottled
  • Reverse: plain, simple
  • Sentence: Her dress was speckled beautifully and glossy.

#Befoul (Verb): contaminate

  • Word: dirty, malign
  • Reverse: cleanse, purify
  • Sentence: Vehicles today have befouled air and water.

Set Five

#Flurry (Noun): commotion

  • Word: turmoil, outbreak
  • Reverse: calm, peace
  • Sentence: After the corona outbreak there was no flurry in the markets.

#Quandary (Noun): Delicate situation

  • Word: difficulty, dilemma
  • Reverse: advantage, boon
  • Sentence: In the amusem*nt ride, I found myself in a quandary situation.

#Quitedude (NOUN): Calm

  • Word: dispassion, peace
  • Reverse: agitation, clamour
  • Sentence: She felt quite a dude after the fight.

Set Six

#Proclivity (Noun): Inclination

  • Word: penchant, predilection
  • Antonyms: antipathy, dislike
  • Sentence: The new novel surmises in a way that hardly fits my own social proclivity.

#Quisling (Noun): Traitor

  • Word: betrayer, collaborator
  • Antonyms: loyalist, patriot
  • Sentence: The boy who committed the crime was proved not to be a quisling.

#Plebeian (ADJECTIVE): Native

  • Word: local, indigenous
  • Antonyms: uncommon, different
  • Sentence: She is a plebian writer.

Also Read: Modern English Words Used in Conversation: Let’s Learn Effective English Speaking Ethics!

New Vocabulary Words with Meaning and Sentence

Set One

#Opulence (Noun): Wealth

  • Word: abundance, affluence
  • Antonyms: dearth, deficiency
  • Sentence: His opulence made her have many fake friends.

#Obviate (Verb): Counteract

  • Word: preclude, forestall
  • Antonyms: assist, support
  • Sentence: The weather shown on the tv obviates the snow.

#Overt (Adjective): Obvious

  • Word: apparent, definite
  • Opposite: obscure, uncertain
  • Example: The person in the last smiled overtly at that woman.

Set Two

#Meddlesome (Adjective): Interfering

  • Word: intrusive, meddling
  • Opposite: avoiding, dodging
  • Example: She made a meddlesome statement.

#Mincing (Adjective): Affected

  • Word: artificial, dainty
  • Opposite: extroverted, unaffected
  • Example: Claire can’t put up with his mincing singer for the rest of her life.

#Lavish (Adjective): wasteful

  • Word: extravagant, profligate
  • Opposite: economical, mean
  • Example: He came to grief because of his lavish dating habits.

Set Three

#Laconic (Adjective): brief

  • Similar Word: short, terse
  • Opposite: verbose, wordy
  • Example: Though her conversation was laconic, yet it was clear.

#Mammoth (Adjective): huge

  • Similar Word: enormous, gargantuan
  • Opposite: little, miniature
  • Example: My mammoth program will be finalized very soon.

#Menace (Noun): danger

  • Similar Word: threat, peril
  • Opposite: safety, surety
  • Example: Pollution is a potential menace to the health of the people.

Set Four

#Manifest (Adjective): clear

  • Similar Word: understandable, palpable
  • Opposite: unclear, obscure
  • Example: Her evil ambitions were manifest when she remembered the question of dowry.

#Modicum (Noun): small amount

  • Similar Word: ounce, shred
  • Opposite: lot, whole
  • Example: There is no modicum of fact in his statement.

#Oblivion (Noun): mental blankness

  • Similar Word: forgetfulness, unconsciousness
  • Opposite: awareness, concern
  • Example: She was immersed in oblivion when he left.

Set Five

#Refurbish (Verb): make clean

  • Similar Word: repair, renovate
  • Opposite: ruin, destroy
  • Example: An individual can refurbish his/her image by discipline.

#Raze (Verb): destroy completely

  • Similar Word: demolish, obliterate
  • Opposite: build, construct
  • Example: Dozens of forests have been razed.

#Rapt (Adjective): fully attentive

  • Similar Word: elated, ecstatic
  • Opposite: dejected, doleful
  • Example: She listened to the lecturer with rapt interest.

Set Six

#Perpetuate (Verb): maintain

  • Similar Word: preserve, conserve
  • Opposite: discontinue, cease
  • Example: In order to perpetuate the method of teaching, teachers should make it fun.

#Malignant (Adjective): deadly

  • Similar Word: destructive, mortal
  • Opposite: harmless, healthful
  • Example: She died of malignant cancer.

#Denigrate (VERB): besmirch

  • Similar Word: defame, disparage
  • Opposite: praise, laud
  • Example: We should not try to denigrate the personality of anyone.

Also Read: Daily Routine English Conversation: Make Your Communication Skills Effective

Daily Vocabulary Words with Meaning and Sentence

Set One

#Dauntless (Adjective): bold

  • Similar Term: brave, gallant
  • Opposite: timid, fearful
  • Example: Hitler was a dauntless and cruel ruler.

#Decorum (Noun): grace

  • Similar Term: propriety, dignity
  • Opposite: Impropriety, Levity
  • Example: Maintaining decorum in school is necessary.

#Detriment (Noun): damage

  • Similar Term: harm, loss
  • Opposite: profit, benefit
  • Example: Drinking is a detriment to good health and hygiene.

Set Two

#Dreary (Adjective): cheerless

  • Similar Term: comfortless, dark
  • Opposite: inspiring, pleasant
  • Example: There will be a dreary meeting tomorrow.

#Grotesque (Adjective): ugly

  • Similar Term: absurd, odd
  • Opposite: graceful, natural
  • Example: Her grotesque appearance makes her less popular.

#Glide (Verb): pass

  • Similar Term: relapse, go by
  • Opposite: stop, freeze
  • Example: Her team glided across the region easily.

Set Three

#Gingerly (Adverb): carefully

  • Similar Term: cautiously, delicately
  • Opposite: hesitantly, timidly
  • Example: One should gingerly check their details.

#Teem (Verb): Overflow

  • Similar Term: overrun, full
  • Opposite: lack, need
  • Example: The teem of water squashed the shore

#Chunky (Adjective): Chubby

  • Similar Term: stocky, stout
  • Opposite: skinny, thin
  • Example: Ram is a chunky friend of mine.

Set Four

#Hasping (Verb): Fasten

  • Similar Term: grab, catch
  • Opposite: loose, release
  • Example: Riya went to the door and hasped it.

#Undertone (Noun ): Mumble

  • Similar Term: murmur, hint
  • Opposite: overtone, enunciate
  • Example: Rai was talking in an undertone.

#Unscsthed (Adjective): Unharmed

  • Similar Term: unhurt, uninjured
  • Opposite: hurt, injured
  • Example: The dogs caught in the fire escaped unscathed.

Set Five

#Varnish (Verb): add a layer to; embellish

  • Similar Term: lacquer, Cover
  • Opposite: uncover. reveal
  • Example: The painter varnished the windows.

#Tout (Verb): Laud

  • Similar Term: praise, promote
  • Opposite: blame, discourage
  • Example: They touted his achievement.

#Tepid (Adjective): Mild

  • Similar Term: warm, unenthusiastic
  • Opposite: enthusiastic, keen
  • Example: The cheering from the balcony was tepid.

Set Six

#Vestige (Noun): Sign

  • Similar Term: glimmer, indication
  • Opposite: information, lot
  • Example: We can get a vestige through astrology.

#Ingrained (Adjective): Deep-rooted

  • Similar Term: deep-seated, inbred
  • Opposite: acquired, learned
  • Example: The belief of poverty is ingrained in them.

#Feud (Noun): major argument

  • Similar Term: conflict, dispute
  • Opposite: friendship, accord
  • Example: The feud between the two brothers lasted for one hour.

Also Read: English Conversation Sentences: Buckle Up with Spoken English Conversation Practice

English Vocabulary Words with Meaning and Sentence

Set One

#Fluster (Noun): perturbation, upset

  • Similar Term: agitation, disturbance
  • Opposite: peace, calmness
  • Example: There is a great fluster in the atmosphere due to increasing pollution.

#Fealty (Noun): allegiance

  • Similar Term: faithfulness, loyalty
  • Opposite: disloyalty, treachery
  • Example: They have expected fealty from their close friends.

#Broach (Verb): bring up a topic

  • Similar Term: introduce, moot
  • Opposite: stop, close
  • Example: The topic was broached to educate the teachers in a better way.

Set Two

#Coy (Adjective): bashful

  • Synonyms: Skittish, timid
  • Antonyms: aggressive, forward
  • Sentence: Riya gave him a coy grin.

#Concoct (Verb): formulate, think up

  • Synonyms: contrive, create
  • Antonyms: demolish, destroy
  • Sentence: She concocted an intention to start a new career.

#Dilatory (Adjective): procrastinating

  • Synonyms: delaying, laggard
  • Antonyms: diligent, eager
  • Sentence: She had been dilatory but now she intended to shut her shop.

Set Three

#Gambol (Verb): run or jump about playfully

  • Synonyms: prank, play
  • Antonyms: work, study
  • Sentence: The children gambolled all around the home.

#Impeach (Verb): denounce, censure

  • Synonyms: accuse, criticize
  • Antonyms: praise, commend
  • Sentence: He impeached the actress in front of everyone for her wrong deeds.

#Indignation (Noun): anger

  • Synonyms: rage, displeasure
  • Antonyms: delight, cheer
  • Sentence: The client came out in indignation from the office.

Set Four

#Besmirch (Verb): taint

  • Synonyms: blacken, defile
  • Antonyms: honour, praise
  • Sentence: The actress insisted that the charge was to besmirch her name.

#Smear (Verb): To make something blurred

  • Synonyms: smudge, stained
  • Antonyms: clean, purity
  • Sentence: She painted a beautiful floral painting but, because of the rain it smeared.

#Spongy (Adjective): cushioned

  • Synonyms: soft, porous
  • Antonyms: hard, inflexible
  • Sentence: She baked a fluffy and spongy cake on her father’s birthday.

Set Five

#Brevity (Noun): briefness

  • Synonyms: concise, short
  • Antonyms: longevity, lengthiness
  • Sentence: She explained the whole situation in brevity.

#Appal (Verb): horrify

  • Synonyms: alarm, amaze
  • Antonyms: comfort, encourage
  • Sentence: I am always appalled in a horror house.

#Astound (Verb): amaze

  • Synonyms: astonish, bewilder
  • Antonyms: calm, expect
  • Sentence: He was astounded at her presence.

Set Six

#Exalted (Verb): praised

  • Synonyms: elevated, illustrious
  • Antonyms: criticized, debased
  • Sentence: She exalted the paintings made by me.

#Abandon (Verb): cease to support or look after (someone)

  • Synonyms: desert, leave
  • Antonyms: adopt, adapt
  • Sentence: They abandoned their old house and moved to a cottage.

#Boredom (Noun): disinterest

  • Synonyms: apathy, disgust
  • Antonyms: concern, energy
  • Sentence: Boredom had settled on his face since he came back from London.

Also Read:

Basic Vocabulary Words with Meaning and Sentence

Set One

#Stupefy (Verb): stun

  • Synonyms: benumb, daze
  • Antonyms: enliven, inspire
  • Sentence: She was stupied to her spot, when she saw an accident

#Quixotic (Adjective): generous

  • Synonyms: idealistic, dreamy
  • Antonyms: cautious, pragmatic
  • Sentence: She has not been successful in life because of her non-quixotic ideas.

#Noxious (Adjective): harmful

  • Synonyms: offensive, putrid
  • Antonyms: helpful, healthy
  • Sentence: Emission from petrol cars generating noxious gases causes pollution.

Set Two

#Narcissism (Noun): self-love and devotion

  • Synonyms: egotism, selfishness
  • Antonyms: humility, modesty

#Vitriolic (Adjective): bitter

  • Synonyms: astringent, sardonic
  • Antonyms: courteous, gracious

#Pilferage (NOUN): theft

  • Synonyms: burglary, misappropriation
  • Antonyms: veto, disapprove

Set Three

#Myriad (Adjective): infinite

  • Synonyms: multitudinous, multiple
  • Antonyms: finite, limited

#Reposistion (Verb): alter

  • Synonyms: deviate, change
  • Antonyms: keep, hold

#Rambunctious (Adjective): noisy

  • Synonyms: boisterous, raucous
  • Antonyms: calm, quiet

Set Four

#Rankle (Verb): annoy

  • Synonyms: bother, embitter
  • Antonyms: comfort, aid

#Recidivism (Noun): lapse

  • Synonyms: backsliding, decadence
  • Antonyms: ascent, increase

#Apposite (Adjective): apt

  • Synonyms: appropriate, relevant
  • Antonyms: inapt, inapplicable

Set Five

#Jumble (Verb): disturb

  • Synonyms: disorder, disorganise
  • Antonyms: Organise, Arrange
  • Sentence: My life gets jumbled everyday because of new obstacles.

#Agility (Noun): quickness

  • Synonyms: swiftness, sprightliness
  • Antonyms: dullness, sluggishness
  • Sentence: My dog has shown agility after his training.

#Rampart (Noun): defensive wall

  • Synonyms: barricade, fortification
  • Antonyms: opening, ditch
  • Sentence: I have formed a rampart against boys in my school.

Set Six

#Quandary (Noun): dilemma

  • Synonyms: in a fix, predicament
  • Antonyms: advantage, good fortune
  • Sentence: Yesterday I saw my teacher in a quandary.

#Quip (Noun): A clever remark

  • Synonyms: banter, gag
  • Antonyms: praise, flattery
  • Sentence: I usually make a quip when I pass by creative people.

#Pernicious (Adjective): destructive

  • Synonyms: injurious, unsafe
  • Antonyms: safe, harmless
  • Sentence: Aria’s approach is self-pernicious; she needs to expand a lot.


Reading is the most effective way to improve your vocabulary, but make a habit of taking notes and using the words you learn in a novel to make it even more effective. Every day, try to read something and keep a dictionary nearby. So start today!

FAQs –

Q.1. What is the purpose of the “100 Vocabulary Words with Meaning and Sentence in English” resource?
A: This resource aims to expand your English vocabulary by providing a curated list of 100 words, along with their meanings and example sentences. It helps learners to grasp the context and usage of these words, enhancing their language skills.

Q.2. How were the 100 words selected for this vocabulary resource?
A: The selection process involved choosing a diverse range of words across various parts of speech, difficulty levels, and relevance in everyday communication. The goal was to include words that are commonly used and beneficial for learners in both written and spoken English.

Q.3. What kind of information can I expect for each vocabulary word in this resource?
A: For each word, you will find its meaning or definitions. Additionally, there will be one or more sample sentences showcasing how the word can be used in context. This helps to comprehend the word’s application in different situations.

Q.4. Is this resource suitable for beginners or advanced English learners?
A: This resource caters to a wide audience, spanning from beginners to more advanced learners. The words have been chosen to offer a balance, allowing beginners to learn new terms while also challenging those who are more proficient in English.

Q.5. How can I effectively utilize this vocabulary resource to improve my English skills?
A: To maximize the benefits, it’s recommended to study a few words at a time, understand their meanings, and incorporate them into your daily communication or writing. Regular practice and usage will aid in solidifying your grasp of these new words and their appropriate contexts.


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basic vocabulary words, daily vocabulary words

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100 Vocabulary Words with Meaning and Sentences: Enrich and Enhance Your English (2024)
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